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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Proverbs Day 25

Read Proverbs 25
Wise people learn who to trust. Not everyone who claims to be your friend is really your friend. Kind words are sweet to hear and most will offer to help, but you find out who you can count on through experience.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 25:4, 14, 18, & 19
4 You have to remove the impurities from silver before it’s ready for the silversmith to make something useful.

14 Someone who makes a big deal about a gift they never really give is like rain clouds that never give any rain.

18 Telling lies about people is like assaulting them with a deadly weapon.

19 Relying on an untrustworthy person when you need them is like chewing with broken tooth or running on a sprained ankle.

Test people with small challenges to see what they're made of. Are they all talk and no action? Are they honest? Can they keep a confidence? If you can't trust someone with something small, you can't trust them with something big. However, if you've found someone who is faithful with small matters, they are more likely to handle something more important. Someone who walks through fiery trials with you is a true friend. Hold on to that friendship. It's worth more than silver or gold.

"Jesus, teach me who to trust. Help me be wise enough to look beyond the kind words and promises and discover who I can really count on. Help me to invest in those relationships. And help me every day to remember You are the one friend who will always be there. And may I be a true friend to You. Amen."

Monday, July 24, 2017

Proverbs Day 24

Read Proverbs 24
It's foolish to cheat, steal, or take advantage of others. You may get a short term gain, but it's not right and you will find yourself fighting against God.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 24:15-18
15-18 Listen you scoundrel: Don’t take advantage of a godly person or break into their home; because even if they fall seven times, they will still get back up again. But scoundrels like you are tripped up by your own evil. So don’t celebrate or be happy when your enemy gets tripped up or falls, because Jehovah will be angry with your cruelty and their troubles will be over.

God watches over godly people who try to do the right thing. They may stumble from time to time or someone may catch them off guard with an evil scheme; but, no matter how many times they fall, they will get back up again because of their faith in God.  And God will punish those who knock them down and kick them on the ground.

"Lord, forgive me for the times I've wronged others or taken advantage of them.  No matter how many times I stumble or fall, help me to trust You and get back up again.  Help me to trust You with justice and mercy.  Amen."

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Proverbs Day 23

Read Proverbs 23
The wise person knows spending your life trying to get rich is a meaningless pursuit. You're never satisfied and you can lose it all in a heartbeat. A wise person wants more.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 23:4-5

4-5 Don’t slave your life away trying to accumulate more and more stuff. Know when enough is enough, because dreams of getting rich are like chasing birds in the park. You run up on them and they flap their wings and fly away.

Your life is precious. Don't waste it. Know what's really important. Most people slave away chasing after things that really don't matter. We want more and more; and the more we have, we find we never have enough. Fill your life with meaning and you will be fully satisfied.

"Father, help me to invest my life in things that matter and not be be over-infatuated with possessions and money, which don't really satisfy and are fleeting anyway. Amen."

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Proverbs Day 22

Read Proverbs 22
Wisdom is more than knowledge. It is an inner sense of the way things really are, what's actually going on, and what's about to happen. Wise people have awareness and are vigilant and act accordingly. They are safe because they sense trouble before it happens and also know when there is no real danger.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 22:3, 5, and 13
3 A wise person senses trouble before it happens and steers clear; those who are naive walk right into it and learn a hard lesson.

5 Crooked people walk a prickly path full of hidden traps; be careful to steer clear of them.

13 A lazy person claims, “There’s a lion out there! I’ll get killed if I go out!”

Be wise. Know what's really going on around you and inside you. Avoid trouble when you see it coming, but don't use fear as an excuse when it's unfounded and irrational.

"Father, help me to be vigilant. Don't let me be distracted or caught unaware. Give me insight into the people and situations around me. Don't let me be lazy and use irrational fears as an excuse not to do something You want me to do. Guide me in everything by Your Holy Spirit. Amen."

Friday, July 21, 2017

Proverbs Day 21

Read Proverbs 21
Success takes planning and hard work. There are no shortcuts in life. You have to know what's really important. Keep your priorities in line and focus your time, energy, resources, and money on what's really important at the expense of everything else.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 21:5, 6, 9, 17, 20 and 25-26

5 Good plans and steady hard work earn great rewards, but reckless haste makes you poor.

6 Treasures earned with deceit lead to death and will soon be gone.

9 It’s better to crash in the corner of some attic than live in a charming home with a wife who’s always angry.

17 People who indulge and party all the time never have enough; people who always have to have the latest, greatest things don’t get rich.

20 Wise people have lots of wealth and luxury, but fools immediately spend whatever they get.

25-26 A couch potato dies even though he wants more, because he’s too lazy to work it. He always wants more, more, more. Godly people are more givers than takers. 

Know who you are and Gods's plans for you. Focus on what really matters and don't worry about everything else too much. Be happy with what you have and don't covet. Be generous and not greedy. Work hard to follow God's plan and be persistent. Good things come to those who are wise.

"God of Heaven and Earth, help me to know Your plans for me and to stay focused on them, working hard to accomplish everything You want me to do. Amen."

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Proverbs Day 20

Read Proverbs 20
Wise living takes discipline, persistence, and trust. Some are tempted to indulge in extra sleep or to procrastinate. Others are tempted to act impulsively or try to control it all. Wise people take a broader view of life and work steadily toward success.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 20:4, 13, 18, and 24
4 Lazy people don’t plan ahead or prepare and they don’t have what they need when the time comes.

13 If you love to sleep, poverty will take over your life. Get up and get to work so you’ll have enough to eat.

18 Get lots of advice while you’re making your plans. Let people guide when you go to battle.

24 Only the Lord knows everything about our journey. We can’t see or understand everything that’s going on.

Don't be lazy. Plan ahead. Seek guidance. Work hard and be persistent. And don't be a control freak. You can have a great deal of influence over your own success, but are never in complete control and you do not know everything that is going on in the grand picture. Trust God.

"Lord, help me to be a wise planner and a diligent executor. Most of all, help me to trust You with it all. Amen."

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Proverbs Day 19

Read Proverbs 19
Fools tell lies. Whether it's an evil scheme to get what they want or just the easy way out of a difficult situation, dishonesty is never the wise course. Truly wise people are honest and have integrity.

Pastor Chris' Paraphrase of Proverbs 19:1, 5, 9, 22, and 28

1 It is better to be a poor person with integrity than a fool who twists words.

5 A witness who lies will be convicted. Someone who tells lies will not get away.

9 A witness who lies will be convicted. Someone who tells lies will be destroyed.

22 We long for people to be faithful; a poor man is better than a liar.

28 An evil witness mocks justice and takes a gulp of terrible trouble with every lie they tell.

Notice how verses 5 and 9 say almost the same exact thing. Why would there two nearly identical proverbs in the same chapter? Because telling the truth is essential to healthy relationships, civil society, and God demands it. Be honest. Strive for integrity. Be a loyal friend. Practice telling the truth in love. Even if it's harder in the short-term, it's always better in the long run and God will honor you.

"Father, help me to be honest and faithful in the way I live and the things I do. Amen."