1But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. 3 So they went in, but they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes.
5 The women
were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked,
“Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he
told you back in Galilee, 7 that the Son of
Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and
that he would rise again on the third day.”
8 Then they
remembered that he had said this. 9 So they
rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples—and everyone else—what
had happened. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James,
and several other women who told the apostles what had happened. 11 But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they
didn’t believe it. 12 However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look.
Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; then he went home
again, wondering what had happened.
Idle Tale?
Verse 11 is the key verse for this blog. In the NRSV it
says, “But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not
believe them.”
When the women told the Apostles they’d found an empty tomb and two men dressed
in dazzling robes saying Jesus had risen, the Apostles dismissed it as an idle
tale. They didn’t believe.
And that’s the way many people view the Easter story today (maybe some of you
view it that way too). You think, “It’s a great story. It’s
inspired a lot of people. But it’s just a story—an idle tale.”
What if that’s true? What if Jesus was just another nice guy? What
if he was just another figure like the prophets and kings and great world
leaders who taught us some good lessons and then died and the story ends?
What if Jesus’ bones are still lying in an unmarked tomb somewhere in
Peter had to see for himself. It was too important a question to leave
unanswered. So Peter
jumped up, ran to the tomb, and looked inside. He saw the tomb was empty,
save for the empty linen wrappings. And he went back home puzzling over
what had happened. He still had not seen the “risen” Jesus.
We have to be like Peter in this story. We have to go and look for Jesus
ourselves. It’s too important a question to just write off as an idle
tale without an investigation.
Why I
believe Jesus is Alive
Now, every person has to decide for
themselves if Jesus is really alive. I have decided he is. But I
can’t decide for you. No one can decide for you. You have to decide
for yourself. But I would like to share with you why I believe Jesus is
alive; and maybe this will encourage you to have the faith to see the risen
Christ. So briefly, I want to share 7 reasons I believe Jesus is risen.
First of all, I asked God to show me the Truth and He did.
I grew up going to church and knew
the story of Jesus. But when I was 20-years-old, I really began
questioning the validity of everything I had been told about Jesus and
Christianity. What if it was all just idle tales? So I prayed to God
to show me. I prayed with all sincerity, “God, show me the Truth—the only
Truth that really is. I’m willing to reject everything know if You
will show me the real Truth.” And I began a quest to know the
Truth. I studied about Christianity, the Bible, other religions, and even
atheism. And what I found was the Christian faith Jesus brought to our
world makes sense. I found I believed it was the Truth God wanted me to
know. God answered my prayer. As Jesus said, “Seek and ye shall
find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.”
The second reason I believe Jesus is risen is Jesus changed
my life. I was not a very good
person growing up. I had a terrible temper. I was violent. I
enjoyed being “bad” and looked for ways to actively rebel. I bullied
other children. I was a vandal and a thief. Now, I understand i was just a child and how "bad" can a child be? It wasn't the degree to which I was bad that mattered. It was the path I was on; it was the trajectory of my life that wasn't good. If I had stayed on the
road I traveled as a child and as a young teenager, I would have lived a very
immoral life. I do not know how it would have turned out, but it would
not have been godly at all. I know how it turned out for many of my
friends who stayed on that road. Some went to jail. Some fell into
addictions. Some wasted years of their lives before they turned around.
Some died and others committed suicide. Some I know are still wasting
their lives in rebellion to God.
That could have been me, but my path changed because I
decided to follow Christ. I became a Christian when I was 8, but it
wasn’t until I was 17 that I started actively following Jesus down a different
path—a path to life instead of death. I am who I am today because
Jesus is alive and not dead. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not perfect.
There’s still a lot that needs to change. But because my Jesus
lives, I know I’m gonna get there One Day!
The third reason I know Jesus rose is because I have been
resurrected. I don’t mean that I
have died and come back to life—though I know that will happen at the end of my
days on earth. What I mean is, I have faced times in my life when my
strength ran out, when I just couldn’t go on. I have even wondered at
times, how can I continue to be a minister. But then Jesus fills me with
new life, new energy, and I come back stronger than I was before. That
kind of resilience is not because of me—it’s the resurrected Christ living
in me. It’s the power of Jesus who conquered death and rose from
the grave that empowers me to rise from any gloomy situation in this life and
will one day even raise me to new life when my body wears out and I die.
Fourth, I know Jesus is alive, because I have seen
miracles. I don’t have time to
recount all the times I have seen Jesus intervene through miracles. I
have seen people healed. I have seen doors open that should have been
closed. But let me just tell you one miracle that involved people in this
In 2013, when we took a group on a mission trip to El
Salvador, we carried thousands of dollars of medicine with us to treat illness
among the people we went to serve. And just as our plane was about to
take off from Atlanta, we learned from our partners in El Salvador that the
paperwork for our medicine did not go though and our medicine would be
confiscated at customs in El Salvador. Our whole team prayed and asked
our friends to pray too. When we arrived in El Salvador and worked our
way through customs, the authorities allowed everyone on our team to pass right
through without checking our bags for medicine. The only person they
stopped was Jason Denson. They asked him if he had any medicine in his
bag and he said “yes”. The guard opened his bag, glanced right at the
medicine, and then closed the bag and told Jason he was free to go. Our
team loaded the bus as fast as we could and left to begin our week of mission
work with all of our medicine intact. That is the work of a living
Savior, not a dead man still in a grave.
Number five, I have had personal encounters with Jesus. I always feel Jesus is personally present when I
pray earnestly. Now, Jesus has never appeared to me in a bodily form.
I’ve never touched his nail scarred hands like Thomas did in the Bible.
However, when I talk to Jesus, I know he is present in a special way—and
I am as sure of his presence as I am that you are here with me today. I have also
heard him speak to me—not in an audible voice—but I have known he was speaking
to me, telling me something, comforting me, or guiding me to answers. It
was a Voice from outside of myself, something divine that was a higher power
than anything found in this world.
Once, when I was a pastor of a small church and had reached
a very low point in my ministry and was so worn out I didn’t know how to keep
going, I prayed and Jesus encouraged me as I listened to a praise song. The
words of the band became the voice of Christ as they reminded me, “I Am a
Friend of God! I am a friend of God! I am a friend of God! He
calls me friend!” And the words became Jesus’ words to me. “Don’t
give up! Remember, you are a friend of God! He can carry you
through this. He has great plans for you.”
Dead men don’t speak. Dead men can’t make their
presence known. Dead men can’t encourage you and give you strength to
persevere. I serve a Risen Savior and he calls me friend!
A sixth reason I know Jesus is alive: I have known many
people who have been completely transformed by Christ. I have friends who have been delivered from addiction that
they couldn’t beat on their own. I have known lives that—like mine—have
been changed from selfish pursuits to godly lives; and these have changed not
only their lives, but have saved their families too.
I know one woman personally, who was molested as a child
and grew up very wounded and damaged because of it. (I will not share her
name, but my wife and I know her personally.) And in her marriage she struggled
for years because of her own baggage and because of her husband’s sins too.
And she became promiscuous and cheated on her husband and was months into
divorce proceedings and a custody battle over their children. And then,
because of the miraculous life-changing power of a risen Christ, she and her
husband somehow reconciled and she found healing from her wounded sexuality and
they have been happily married now, following Christ together, for around 10
years since that whole episode. Christ is alive and changing lives
The last reason I believe Jesus is alive is because of
history. Since the beginning of the world,
civilizations have risen because of their economic, political, and military power.
But just as soon as they rise, they quickly fall. At the time of
Christ, the Romans were the greatest power in the world. No one could
stand against them. And yet, Jesus—who was by all worldly measures
insignificant, who had no political power, no army to command, no wealth to
speak of, who never wrote a single book or held a single governmental
post—changed the world by being executed and buried in a grave after only 3
years of active ministry. A dead man could not do what Jesus did. Many
men and women in history have impacted the world through martyrdom, but Jesus
turned the world completely upside down because he not only died, but also rose
to life again. And so the very empire that condemned Jesus to death,
embraced his religion within 300 years. And the Christian
faith, which started out as only a handful of followers proclaiming their dead
leader had risen, became the largest religion in the world—over a quarter of the world’s
population adheres to Christianity today. This came about because our
Lord is not dead, but alive.
is Believing
These are some of the reasons I believe Jesus is alive. What I've shared are not scientific arguments or theological reasons (though there are those as well). What I've tried to share are my own personal experience.
I am like those first women who went to the tomb and saw the angels
proclaiming Jesus had risen. I am like Peter who ran to the tomb and
found it empty and later saw the living Jesus for himself. Jesus is
alive! He is no longer in the grave!
You may hear my message and think it’s all just nonsense.
You may think it’s just an “idle tale.” But don’t just dismiss it.
It’s too important. If what I’ve said is true, it changes
everything. And if you are hungry to see him, Jesus may appear to you
too. But you’ve got to be like Peter who ran to the tomb to see if the
“idle tale” had anything to it. And you’ve got to have eyes of faith to
see. You’ve got to let go of your cynicism. You’ve got to have the
faith of a child (as Jesus said). That goes against human nature; more so
in some who are more skeptical than others. You’ve got to want with all
your heart to know the Truth and ask God to show you the Truth. You’ve
got to be willing to be changed and know that Jesus can change you. Then
maybe you can start to see the miracles as you surround yourself with other
believers who have been transformed by the power of the risen Savior; and you
may encounter the risen Lord for yourself.