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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Proverbs Day 11

Read Proverbs 11
Cultivate generosity.  Be as generous as you can in as many ways as you can to as many people as you can.  A generous person is a joyful, satisfied person.  They always feel like they're living an abundant life.  They bless others and people bless them for their generosity.  Generous people inspire generosity in others and others are generous with them.  Of course, there will be those who are not appreciative, who never say thanks, or that take your generosity for granted.  Be generous anyway because the benefits for you and others will always outweigh the negative.  And stingy, greedy people who cling to what they have with clenched fists will never really be happy or satisfied.  People won't like them that much and they will live a sad, unfulfilled life that comes to nothing of eternal consequence.  Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 11:24-30.

24 People who spread their generosity widely gain even more.  Those who cling to what they should give, never have enough.
25 A soul that blesses will be satisfied with more than enough and the person who refreshes others will be refreshed.
26 People will hate on those who refuse to sell them food when they’re starving, but they will sing the praises of those who sell it at a fair price.
27 Someone who always tries to do good is admired; but if you try to do evil, it will catch you in its claws.
28 People who rely on their wealth will meet with disaster, but people who do what’s right blossom like flowers in the spring.
29 People that always aggravate their family won’t inherit anything.  Fools end up slaving for the wise.

30 People who do the right thing are rewarded with life and those who win souls are wise.

"Father, help me to be generous. Help me to see and feel that I have more than enough already and so be willing to give freely. Help me to keep my eyes open to the many opportunities to give generously. And help me to be generous in as many ways as I can and as often as I can for You have been so generous with me. Amen."

Monday, July 10, 2017

Proverbs Day 10

Read Proverbs 10
Some people talk too much.  Listening is a precious gift to both the listener and those to whom they listen.  Listening is how we learn.  Talking is how we teach, but we need to be careful because we are usually not as wise as we think.  We really don't know that much and even what we know we don't know as well as we think.  And when we talk too much about things we don't really understand, we just reveal our ignorance, waste time, and we might even lead people astray.  Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 10:8.

A wise person listens to instructions, but someone who babbles on and on without having a clue will be thought of as an idiot.

And also verse 14:

A wise person soaks up all the knowledge they can, but a babbling fools is too busy talking to learn anything and might walk right off a cliff.

You can always get more information if you listen. You can always gain more insight if you listen.   You can always see things from a different perspective if you listen.  You can always learn more if you listen.  You can usually find out what you need to know to make a wise decision, say the right thing, or do the right thing if you listen.  But if you are too busy talking to listen, you are walking a dangerous road.

"Father, help me to listen more.  Help me to learn from You and from those You send my way to teach me.  And keep me from babbling on about things I don't really understand.  Amen."

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Proverbs Day 9

Read Proverbs 9
One wise choice leads to another.  One foolish choice leads to another.  Make your choices carefully.  And if you realize you've made some mistakes, turn quickly and run to Jesus and beg him to help back on the right path.  And listen carefully to those who invite you to their table.  Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 9:4-6.

“Come in here, little children!”  To everyone with some sense and potential she says, “Come dine with me!  Leave your childish life behind.  It’s time to mature and learn how to handle yourself.”

The other choice in verses 16-18 sounds like the trailer for a horror movie:

“Come in here, little children!”  To fools with who will never learn she says, "Forbidden fruit and hidden pleasures savored in secret are so sweet.”  But they don’t know it’s a house full of corpses.  Her guest are dining in the depths of Hell.

Let Jesus fill you with His Holy Spirit that you may have the good sense to dine with Wisdom and not Folly.

"Jesus, forgive me for the ways I have turned my back on goodness and common sense, chasing happiness of my own making instead of yours.  Save me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may have the good sense to dine with Wisdom and not Folly from this day forward.  Amen."

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Proverbs Day 8

Read Proverbs 8
God offers us His wisdom. It transcends the universe and those who live by it it are truly blessed. Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 8:27-31.

I was there when He made the heavens and rounded out the planet in the palm of His hands. I was there when He shaped the oceans and told them how to flow. I was right there beside Him when designed the earth, like His head engineer. He was thrilled with me and I loved Him and the world He made and the people He created.

And also verse 32:

So now listen to me children: you will be truly blessed if you live out my principles.

So many people chase an elusive happiness. But when we live by God's wisdom, we find something even better--blessedness.

"Lord of Heaven and Earth, Creator of the universe and all that exists, help me to seek wisdom above all else and live by her principles every day and thus find blessing that goes so far beyond happiness. Amen."

Friday, July 7, 2017

Proverbs Day 7

Read Proverbs 7
There is a dark foe who wants to lead you astray and keep you from wisdom and life. The Enemy is crafty. Don't be naive. He knows just what will entice you--whether it is sex, drugs, or just someone who seems to listen and care. Wisdom teaches us to be innocent but also careful. Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 7:1-5.

Child, hold on to what I say; always keep it with you.  Do it and you will live. The most important thing to you should be to live this way. Let them be your constant reminder. Tattoo them on your heart saying, “Wisdom, you’re my sister and insight my closest friend.” They will steer you clear of those whores who would cheat and seduce you with their charms.

Guard your heart and your life.  Don't be naive. Be careful out there. 

"Holy Spirit, guard us and keep our eyes open that we may not be naive or caught off guard when the Enemy comes to distract or lead us astray. Amen."

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Proverbs Day 6

Read Proverbs 6
Wise living doesn't just happen on its own.  Wisdom takes focus, attention, persistence, and motivation.  You have to chase it!  You need to pray about your decisions and meditate on the possibilities and then work hard to do whatever God guides you to do.  You can't be lazy or careless.  And when you make a mistake, you need a sense of urgency to correct it.  Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 6:1-5.

Child, if you've cosigned a loan for your neighbor, or pledged to pay the debt of someone else if they don’t come through, you are in a dangerous and vulnerable position.  Get out of it!  They have your welfare in their hands (and they don't have as much at stake as you).  Rush to them and plead to remove your name from the contract!  Don’t rest until you are safe again!  This is urgent, like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah, like a bird flapping furiously to escape a hunter’s hand.

And also verses 6-11:

Learn a lesson from the ant, lazybones!  You will be wise if you act like him.  Even though he has no leader telling him what to do, the ant works hard all summer and collects food for the winter.  But you just sit there.  How long do you need to sleep, lazybones?  A little more sleep, snoozing a little longer, snuggling up to your pillow, and then poverty steals it all; it’s like you’ve been raided by an armed warrior and have nothing left to your name.

Be responsible for yourself. Get out of debt and stay out. Work hard and be diligent. Resist the urge to slack off. Real peace comes to those who have worked for it.

"Father, fill us with a sense of urgency to fix our mistakes and to work hard to focus on wise living. Help us to work ahead and not just do the minimum or put things off trying to make it just in the nick of time. Help us to be wise. Amen."

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Proverbs Day 5

Read Proverbs 5
A greedy heart will quickly lead you astray.  The wise person learns to be satisfied with what God gives them.  He always gives you what you need.  Practice letting go of desire and being satisfied with what you already have.  It is hard to entice or cheat or trick someone who is already deeply satisfied.  Wisdom grows in the soil of satisfaction.  Foolishness takes root in longing.  Listen to my paraphrase of Proverbs 5:7-14.

So listen, child, and don’t forget what I say:  Stay away from the harlot. Don’t even go near her house or you will give away your honor and suffer a lot.  Strangers will take everything you have and you’ll spend your life working for people who don’t care about you.  You’ll end up in misery, sick and wasted, moaning, “Why didn’t I listen and control myself? I didn’t listen to my teacher’s wisdom!  Now I’m completely ruined and despised!”

And this from verse 15-20:

Drink the clean, pure water from your own well.  Why would you drink water from the sewer and let strangers take a bath in your drinking water?  Keep your drinking water clean.  It’s for you and your wife only, the beautiful one you’ve always loved.  Be captivated by her love alone and let her satisfy your most intimate needs.  Why should you trust a whore with such vulnerable and sacred moments?

Be satisfied with what you have. Go further, cherish and thank God for it. You will realize how blessed you are and have no need or desire for the filthy things the world offers.


"Father, help me to appreciate all the pure and lovely things You have given me and so see I don't need to lust after the disgusting things of this world. Amen."