Here's a quick answer to a
question I received this month:
The Question: What does the Bible say about incest? If we are all created
from Adam and Eve, then we all commit incest, right?
My Answer: No. Although everyone is distantly related through
Adam and Eve, we do not commit incest. The definition of incest is:
“sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related
to marry each other.” In the Bible, Leviticus 18:6-18 and 20:11-21 name
some of the family relationships considered too close for sexual
relations. These include your parents, step-parents, grandparents,
children, grandchildren, siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, aunts, uncles,
and a few other close relatives. More distant relatives are not off
limits. Today, most states follow similar regulations as the Bible in
regards to marriage between relatives. Typically in the United States,
relatives cannot marry unless they are no more closely related than second
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