10 Things
Important for Marriage (and Life)
Adapted from
Advice Given by Ron and Marianne Snyder
Put God First – There are only 2 ways to
live your life, with God and without God.
Living life without God will not work.
You are not God and you do not have all the answers. You have limited strength and resources and
at some point they will run out. You
need someone bigger, smarter, and stronger; and the only one who can do that is
Embrace your real identity
and the fact that you have a perfect heavenly father – Your earthly father is
likely to have failed you at some point—even if they were a good father, That’s because our earthly father is not
designed to be everything for us. No one
is—not your parents, friends, or your spouse.
You may have an earthly father that you see as less than perfect, but
remember you have a perfect heavenly father who loves you and is always there
to provide for you. Remember who God
says you are as His child, a Prince of the King of kings. Everything He has is yours. Seek to know Him better and those riches will
be your blessings.
Love one another – From Ephesians 5, we
learn: Man is the head of the marriage
as Christ is the head of the church. Man
is to love his wife, the way Christ loves you unconditionally—putting her first
in all things. Loving your wife
unconditionally, it is the greatest gift and lesson you could ever give your
Marriage is a covenant, in Hebrew that covenant is
called a berit. It means fused together like superglue. When you get married, you and your wife
become one—together forever. You are the
same in that you have 3 basic, God-given needs:
love, acceptance, and worth. But
keep this in mind: even though you
together, you are still different and have different needs. A man’s #1 need is respect. A woman’s #1 need is security. Men tend to see things in black and
white. Women see everything in the
middle. Those are just a couple of
differences that are important to recognize.
One more thing:
You don’t need to solve everything.
Sometimes, just be a good listener.
But if you do need to say something—as Ephesians 4:15 says—speak the
truth in love.
Never go to bed mad – Ephesians 4:26, “Don’t
let the sun go down while you are still angry.”
Women (and men) can be difficult when they’re upset. They can say things they don’t really
mean. Words are weapons, especially for
someone who feels helpless. There will
be many times you’ll have to take the high road and overlook the emotions that
are going on and not play into them. Being the one that stays calm and
reassures that everything is ok can go a long way in keeping the peace.
Put away the past – Make sure your baggage
stays as empty as possible. Learn to
forgive. You know they say “harboring
forgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person t
die.” Address any issues you may have
and heal them before you start out together.
You have heard it said, “Time heals all wounds…” Not so.
Time only heals clean wounds.
Divorce is not an option – Pledge that to each other
from the beginning. It’s important. God’s desire is for husband and wife to stay
married for life. And accept for extreme
circumstances—such as adultery and abuse—a couple should do everything possible
to keep the marriage together. There
will be times that are tough, but the grass is never greener and someday you’ll
look back and see that it was the storms you conquered in uor marriage that
made it stronger.
Live within your means – This is big! Money problems are the biggest reason for
divorce. If you can’t pay for it, don’t
buy it.
Guard your heart – Satan will always be
after you and your marriage. He will
work hard to tear you apart. One fo the
ways he does it is by getting you to compare yourself to others. Your marriage will be unique to you. Don’t compare yourself or your marriage to
anyone else. Guys, guarding your heart
also means don’t look at other women or pornography.
Compliment and show each
other love
– There are 5 main love languages. They
are: words of affirmation, spending time
together, acts of service, physical touch, and gifts. Know what yours are and those of the people
you care about (including your kids).
That way you’ll know how to speak love to them. If you concentrate on giving gifts but your
spouse’s language is acts of service, you will miscommunicate and they might
not hear you telling them how much you love them. Make sure you know and are speaking their
love language.
Have fun – Your spouse should also
be your best friend. Spend time together
going to concerts, hiking and traveling, the movies, bowling, cooking together,
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