In a recent study on Wednesday night at my church, we
were challenged to write a letter to the person who led us to Christ. I want to share mine with you:
Dear Children's Church Volunteer,
When I was 8-years-old, you helped lead children's church where my family worshiped. I’m sorry I don’t remember your name. I was just a kid then and I only attended for a few years, but I remember going to children’s church. I didn’t know the other kids, but you had a friendly smile that made me feel welcome.
I’m glad you shared your joy for the Lord. It probably wasn’t easy to keep all the kids under control, because we didn’t always want to be there, but you did your best to help us have fun and learn something. We sang songs like: “Father Abraham” and “Do Lord” and “The Lord’s Army.” Then, we would listen to a Bible story. One Sunday, you told us how Jesus came to save us from our sins so we could live with him in heaven. You said we needed to let Jesus into our hearts. I believed in Jesus and I knew I was a sinner who needed to be saved, but I was too shy to say anything. So I didn’t.
You didn’t give up though. You invited the kids to ask Jesus into their heart every Sunday. You would sing the old invitational songs like "Just as I Am" and "Earnestly, Tenderly, Jesus is Calling". I felt Jesus calling to me while you were singing. There was just something about your tenor voice and the way you seemed transported as you sang, “Come home! Come home! Ye who are weary, come home! Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling. Calling, oh sinner, come home!” Even as a kid, I could feel it. I knew Jesus was calling.
It took three weeks for this shy 8-year-old to get up the nerve, but I finally answered Jesus’ invitation to come home. I walked to the front of the chapel while you sang and someone prayed with me to receive Christ. I became a Christian that day and I’ve known ever since that one day I will be with Jesus in heaven.
Thank you for the part you played in my salvation. You changed the course of my life. I try to live my life for Jesus every day. My faith in Christ carried me through some rough years as a teenager and the struggles of young adulthood. He has been with me as a parent and preach and lead my congregation. Jesus leads me through it all and has never let me down. So, thank you. Thank you for giving yourself to the kids who attended children’s church. There’s no telling how many eternities you altered, but I’m so glad you altered mine.
I hope you’re doing well and will always be willing to invite someone to church or just pray with them or tell them or show them God's love. And whenever you have a chance, invite them to come home to Jesus. Maybe they will, just like I did.
Aren’t you thankful for all the people who witnessed to you, prayed for you, helped you, and encouraged you? Jesus wants you to do the same for someone else. He wants us to be fishers of men. Of course, I’m no expert and I certainly don’t claim to know everything, but that’s the Truth as far as I can tell…
Remember, God loves you and so do I!