It is our tradition at Pleasant Grove at the beginning of each new year, to have a State of the Communion Address where we look back at the accomplishments of the previous year and look forward to some goals and initiatives for the coming year. Before we get into those details, let us hear God’s Word.
Exodus 18:14-26
14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for
the people, he asked, “What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you
trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till
15 Moses
replied, “Because the people come to me to get a ruling from God. 16 When a dispute arises, they come to me, and I
am the one who settles the case between the quarreling parties. I inform the
people of God’s decrees and give them his instructions.”
17 “This is
not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18 “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the
people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. 19 Now
listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you.
You should continue to be the people’s representative before God, bringing
their disputes to him. 20 Teach them
God’s decrees, and give them his instructions. Show them how to conduct their
lives. 21 But select from all the people some capable,
honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as leaders over groups of
one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten. 22 They should
always be available to solve the people’s common disputes, but have them bring
the major cases to you. Let the leaders decide the smaller matters themselves.
They will help you carry the load, making the task easier for you. 23 If
you follow this advice, and if God commands you to do so, then you will be able
to endure the pressures, and all these people will go home in peace.”
24 Moses
listened to his father-in-law’s advice and followed his suggestions. 25 He chose capable men from all over Israel and
appointed them as leaders over the people. He put them in charge of groups of
one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten. 26 These men were
always available to solve the people’s common disputes. They brought the major
cases to Moses, but they took care of the smaller matters themselves.
Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
Moses had a heavy burden—to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land. These were a people who had lived as subjects and slaves of the Egyptian empire for 400 years. They had always had slave masters to tell them exactly what to do. And if they stepped out of line, there was surely a whip ready to snap them back into line. Now they were a free people, but they had still to learn how to live as free people.
Moses’ Father-in-law,
Jethro, saw how hard Moses was working and knew this was too much for one man
to bear. His wise advice was that he
should delegate the administrative tasks to capable leaders among the
people. Moses should concentrate on being “the people’s representative before God” and teaching “them God’s
decrees” and showing “them how to conduct their lives.”
But Jethro advised Moses to delegate the day to day tasks of managing the
community to capable and honest community leaders.
The Methodist Way
This is wise biblical advice for any church or large organization. This is the model that built the Methodist Church. It’s where we get our name: Methodist—because we follow a methodical process for governing the church and doing Christ's work.
Rather than one person making all the decisions—whether it
be the pastor or someone—the work of the church is divided up among various committees.
We have a Trustees Committee to oversee and make decisions about the property of the church. We have a Finance Committee to oversee finances. There is the HR Committee (Human Resources, usually called SPRC) that oversees the paid staff of the church. The Nominations Committee recommends people for the various jobs in the church and all the committees and ministries report to the Church Council, who is the main decision making body of the church that oversees everything.
Sometime people complain that we have too many committees. I understand. no one likes sitting in a boring committee meeting. However, have you ever thought of the alternative? The alternative is to give just one person or maybe a small handful of people all the power to make decisions. That may be easier, but it can also be very dangerous. Some churches have succeeded that way, but the overwhelming majority get into serious trouble when they invest that much power in the pastor or a small board of directors. Power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately.
Using various committees as we do give everyone a say in what happens in the church and maintains proper checks and balances. Plus, it is actually a method of discipleship. It may be more pleasant to confine your interaction in church to just sitting in a pew singing pretty hymns and listening to sermons. But actually doing the business of the church making important (and sometimes even uncomfortable) decisions is a much better way to grow closer to Christ as you oversee the work of His Church.
Some Highlights from 2023
Let’s take a minute to remember some of the things we did last year as a church.
In February, Coach Matt Land was our guest speaker for Souper Bowl Sunday. It was well attended and included many people who would not regularly attend a church service. They came to here a football hero speak, but he spoke about the Greatest Hero--Jesus Christ--and the good news that we can be saved from our sins if we repent and put our faith in Jesus.
In February, we also resumed our Valentines Sweetheart Banquet, which we discontinued during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was great to resume this activity. And I want you to notice that even though it has been nearly 3 years since the onset of the pandemic, we are still recovering from the negative effects it had on our church's ministries.
In March we had our first ever Car Show/Cruise-in. our main parking lot was full of classic cars and visitors roaming the lot to see them all. And our members were out there mid=gling and our showing Jesus' hospitality. And again, this was a victory because it was originally scheduled for 2020 and had to be canceled for COVID-19. SO just having the event meant were we getting thing going again.
Children’s ministry has struggled since the pandemic began. Of course, we had to cancel many of the usual events because it wasn't safe for kids to gather together. However, the biggest obstacle has been the loss of so many regular volunteers who are now out of the habit of helping with children's ministry. Even so, we did have some things to celebrate in 2022.
We had our first Community Easter Egg Hunt since
COVID began with about 40 people attending. We also resumed VBS for the first time since COVID began--with about 30-40 kids attending each night. And we also resumed a Walk-thru Trunk or Treat that well attended and appreciated by around 500 people from our community. We started Trunk or Treat over 10 years ago and we managed to continue it through the pandemic, but we had done it as a drive-thru event in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, we resumed the walk-thru method. Another victory for the return to normalcy.
Our Youth Group for middle and high school students is going strong on the wise, and capable leadership of Amy Harris. They met weekly on Wednesday nights and had some extra meetings on Sunday evenings as well. They took several trips including the summer extreme beach trip, a Halloween trip to Hell's Gate Christian Haunted House, Six Flags, as well as others. Furthermore, they volunteered to help clean up a church members yard, and served as volunteers at the Miracle Field of Whitfield County to help disabled people play baseball.
The Boy Scouts program exploded with over 40 boys attending. This year, they outgrew the Scout Hut on our property and started also meeting weekly in the Promise Building. A big thank you to Frank Fetzer and the many volunteers that help run the Boy Scouts program at Pleasant Grove.
On Wednesday nights, we had a first century Roman soldier visit and teach about what life was like for soldiers in Judea when Jesus carried out his earthly ministry. We also watched seasons one and two of the Chosen Series, about the ministry of Jesus and the Disciples. (We started Season Three this past week.)
We also had a number of leaders from our community share about their faith in Jesus and how it guides them to serve the Lord in our community in a variety of ways such as teaching, government, business, social work. Speakers included Senator Chuck Payne, Kelsey Ikerd, Jason Denson, Sherry Dickson, and others.
In July, we had an important Town Hall Meeting to consider developments in the United Methodist denomination and how these may affect our congregation relationship with the UMC. An anonymous survey indicated the congregation overwhelmingly wishes to pursue disaffiliation from the UMC. According, our church council voted to request a Church Conference by the District Superintendent to vote on disaffiliation under provisions in the Book of Discipline. We also created to teams to help, one to handle the work of disaffiliation (the D-Team) and another team to study future affilation options if we disaffiliate (the A-Team).
In November, we had Homecoming and Revival services lead by Tom Atkins. It was an important time of healing and revival as we drew closer to God.
Becky Haley led our church to collect 148 boxes for Operation Christmas Child--the most we've ever collected since we started participating a decade ago.
In 2022, our music minister, David Crawford, created and directed an original production with volunteers from our congregation acting out the Christmas story with music by our chancel choir. It was a beautiful presentation that involved so many people. Then, we ended the year with 68 people attending our Christmas Eve service. It was such a special time for our church family.
Through our Operation Mercy Drops grant program, Pleasant Grove awarded 12 grants totaling $12,000. There were 6 hardship awards to help people in need, 2 merit awards to honor people who are doing admirable things in our community, and 4 service awards to help special community organizations continue their good work to help people in our community.
I believe God has great things in store for our church in the coming year. We are privileged to be the hands and feet and heart of Jesus Christ to our community. I want to mention a few things that we can expect for 2023.
Easter Program
Children's Ministry
We believe our church wants to vote about disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church over issues related to Scripture and human sexuality. We have been working through that process and will continue to work through it in 2023. Unfortunately, the out going Bishop of the North Georgia Conference announced a "pause" on December 28th (a few days before she left our conference to be reappoint Bishop of the Virginia Conference). This "edict" has disrupted our disaffiliation process (along with hundreds of other faithful congregations across our conference). We are in communication with other churches and conference leaders to decide what will be our response. We hope that the conference will be open to cooperate with churches who are faithfully following the process that was approved by General Conference and our own annual conference and conference board of trustees. We will do whatever we can to ensure that our congregation has a fair chance to voice your desires to either remain in the UMC or to disaffiliate from the denomination.
for New Church Leaders
Finally, I call on you to pray for all the church leaders from our congregation who have been elected to serve in 2023. Here are the names of those who have been elected:
Chairperson of the Church Council – Tom Dickson
Vice Chairperson – Mike Wilson
Secretary – Amy Harris
Treasurer – Jeff McDonald
Finance Chairperson – Kevin Roberts
HR (SPRC) Chairperson – Elaine McDonald
Board of Trustees Chairperson – Marcus Blalock
Pastor – Rev. Chris Mullis
Lay Leader – Jason Denson
Assistant Lay Leader – Bill Caylor
Lay Delegate to Annual Conference – Mike Wilson
Marketing Specialist – Donna Phillips
Youth Ministers – Amy Harris
Music Minister – David Crawford
Children’s Minister – Tiffany Tankersley
Sunday School Superintendent – Debra Sloan
Church Council Members at Large: Harry Kelly, Dianne Caylor, and Mara Cobble
Lay Delegate to Annual Conference – Mike Wilson
Lay Leader – Jason Denson
John Denson, Elaine McDonald (Chair), Jason Childers, Jimmy Brooker, Danny Cobble, and Diane O’Brien
Pastor – Rev. Chris Mullis (Chair)
Lay Leader – Jason Denson
Scott Ward, Bill Caylor, Sherry Dickson, Sallie Thomas, Amy Crawford, and Angel Kirk
Maribeth Reno, Jean Coker, Marcus Blalock (Chair), Becky Haley, Jon Adams, Lori Roberts, Mike Kirk, Kyle Marlow, and Scott Denson
Chairman – Kevin Roberts
Lay Member to Annual Conference – Mike Wilson
Chairman of Church Council – Tom Dickson
Human Resources Chair – Elaine McDonald
Lay Leader – Jason Denson
Chairman of Trustees – Marcus Blalock
Treasurers – Jeff McDonald, Donna Phillips
Financial Secretaries – Jean Coker, Teresa Marlow, & Debra Sloan
Finance Committee Members at Large: Becky Ward, Bob Brooker, and Steven Weed
Operation Mercy Drops Committee
Mike Wilson, Salena Weed (Chair), Kelly Scruggs, and Andrea Adams
Vice Treasurer – Donna Phillips
Altar Guild – Kaye Fetzer
Church Historian – Rita Wagers
Librarian – Becky Ward
Nursery Coordinator – Laurie Wilson
Coordinator of Ushers – Mike Marlow
Sunday School Secretaries – Ron Phillips, Johnny Denson
Coordinator of Special Events – Marie Jordan, Angel Kirk, and Debra Sloan
Coordinator of Family Night Suppers – Angela Kirk
Prayer Coordinator – Sherry Dickson
Alternate Lay Delegate to Annual Conference – Laurie Wilson
Memorial Garden Committee – Elaine McDonald, Kaye Denson, and Jimmy Brooker
Coordinator of Scouting Ministries – Frank Fetzer
Affiliation Study Team (The A Team)
Debra Sloan, Elaine McDonald, Harold Brooker, Kay Denson, Kevin Roberts, Kyle Marlow, Mike Wilson, Salena Weed (Recorder), and Tom Dickson (Chair)
Disaffiliation Study Team (The D Team)
Bill Caylor (Chair), Jason Denson, Marcus Blalock, Maribeth Reno, and Rita Wagers