Isaiah 9:6
Christmas is a time of hope and joy. It’s a time for people to love and give. It’s a time when families come together and a
also a time when we remember we are all part of one big, human family. Christmas reminds us of these truths, but these
are virtues we need all year long. We need Christmas in July—especially this
year. We've had a lot of reasons to lose hope. Our world seems to be more filled with
violence, terrorism, hate, fear, anxiety, and anger than ever before. We need to hear the angels singing: “Joy to the world! Peace on earth and goodwill towards men!" We have reason to hope today, because Christ our
hope was born.
I have a question I want you to ponder in our
message today. Are you hoping in the
right things? For if you are hoping in the right things, your hope
will not be disappointed, but if you are hoping in the wrong things then you have cause for concern.
Listen to the Word of God in Isaiah 9:6, a
prophecy about Jesus given over 500 years before his birth. Isaiah tells us about the hope we can find in
Isaiah 9:6
For a child is
born to us, a son is given to us. The
government will rest on his shoulders.
And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Let’s look at a few
key ideas this passage tells us about our hope in Jesus.
The government will
rest upon his shoulders…
I didn’t watch either the republican national
convention or the democratic national convention. Although I was curious, I consciously chose
not to watch. I findthat right now the news cycle
only feeds my worldly anxiety, anger, and fear of our world’s current
situation. I can find out all I really need to know to be
informed by listening to the news highlights each day. This keeps me informed without overwhelming
me with a deluge of negativity.
Isaiah prophesied, “The government will rest
upon his shoulders…” He’s talking about
Jesus. Isaiah didn’t mean that a “worldly government”
would rest upon Jesus' shoulders. In other words, it is not God’s ultimate plan
that some worldly government will fulfill God’s plans—whether it be a king in
Jerusalem or even American democracy. All human governments are flawed. America—though I believe it is the best
“worldly” system implemented so far—is still seriously flawed because it is the
product of flawed, fallen people. God
has something infinitely better in mind.
Isaiah reveals God’s ultimate plan
is for Jesus to rule the world. Our faith teaches us that one day Jesus will
return and personally govern the whole world.
I long for that day. And let me
tell you something, America will no longer exist in the end. So don’t get your hopes too caught up in our
government. Be a good citizen. Be informed.
Do your duty. But don’t place
your hopes in a flawed worldly government that can’t deliver and will soon pass
away. Jesus is the great GOVERNOR, the Lord we need and long for in this mixed up and crazy world. Isaiah tells us who Jesus is.
He is the Wonderful
Jesus wisdom and understanding are awe inspiring. No longer will we have to worry if our president is
someone who has the knowledge to run the country—handling the wide range of
very different but equally important issues like foreign policy, economics, law
and order, immigration, the military, and politics. We will not have to worry if our leader will be careless
or dishonest or embarrassing. Jesus will rule with wisdom, inspiring awe and confidence and wonder in everyone.
Jesus is also Mighty
Jesus is all powerful. Not only does Jesus know what to do; he has
the power to do it. He will subdue
all his enemies, provide safety for all his people, and build his eternal
Kingdom. We never need to doubt Jesus' ability to deliver, because Jesus is mighty God.
Jesus is also Everlasting
I don’t know about you, but I have never thought
of our presidents as “fathers.” I have
viewed them as important people, as world leaders, as politicians, but never as
a father. We have no real access to our
presidents (unless you have thousands of dollars to buy a ticket to some
fundraising banquet). They are people we
see on TV, or perhaps passing through town in a guarded motorcade, behind
tinted glass in an armored limousine. They are unapproachable.
Not so with Jesus. Isaiah describes him as a father. Not everyone has had an intimate father, but ideally
a father is someone you can hug and have tickle fights with or when you get
older, you call them up and share your joys, concerns, or just talk. A good father is one who will personally come
and help you fix your broken car or take you to a daddy/daughter dance. A good father is loving and protecting and he is there when you need him or want him.
Fatherhood is the image of Jesus and how he will
govern us. However, unlike earthly fathers—who are good one day
and irritable the next, who get tired and lose patience, who grow feeble with
age and eventually pass away—Jesus is an everlasting father. He will never grow old or feeble. He will never die. He will never grow weary of us or lose patience. He will always be there, always be patient,
always be good, always be reliable, always be loving, always, always, always.
And Jesus is the Prince
of Peace
When Jesus rules, there will be peace and not
war. No more mass shootings. No more violence. No more racial strife. No more unrestrained anger. No more terrorist or fear of terrorism. The peace Jesus brings is more than just worldly
peace. For he said, “The peace I give is
a gift the world cannot give.” (John
14:27) The world offers a kind of peace, but not like Jesus.
Worldly peace often just means keeping the status quo. It means nothing changes. Things stay the same and so are reliable and people
can continue on with their own lives. That’s OK if your life is decent, but what if
you are suffering or if you are oppressed or if your life could be better? Wars and fighting and strife usually happen
because someone somewhere feels it is the only way to better their
situation. Often, our “worldly”
peace actually bars other people from the justice they deserve.
Jesus offers more than just worldly peace. Jesus will bring inner peace, true serenity,
happiness, and joy like we rarely ever experience on earth. Jesus brings peace to everyone—no more
“haves” and “have nots”. Everyone will
experience peace. No longer will it be the “pursuit of happiness”. Most of
us don’t even know what will make us truly happy and yet we chase after
happiness—worrying and toiling—and most of us never really find it. Jesus knows what will make you truly
happy. And when Jesus is Lord, we will be
done with this relentless, exhausting, and futile chasing for happiness. We will find it all when Jesus is Lord.
It’s Christmas in July. Remember that Christ our hope was born. “And
the government will rest on his shoulders.
And he will be called: Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
We have all this to look forward to when Jesus ultimately
comes to set up his kingdom. But what about now? I have good news for you. You don’t have to wait until Jesus returns to
experience his Kingdom. You don’t even
have to wait until you die and go to Heaven.
You can experience Jesus’ Kingdom now! The glorious Good News of the Gospel is
that Jesus is Lord now.
It is not that Jesus will be Lord one day.
He is Lord now. Just because the world
around us and its people are still in rebellion, that does not mean Jesus is
not rightful Lord. He is Lord. He is patiently calling us all back to him. Patiently waiting for us to recognize His
Lordship. How long must he wait for you?
When we become a Christian, we officially
recognize Jesus is Lord. The more we accept Him as Lord—in every
area of our life—the more we experience the realities of His Kingdom now. We
experience inner peace. We find
Joy. We have hope. We worry less about this world and all its
troubles because our hopes are in the eternal Kingdom of God, which will never
disappoint, and never pass away! Take heart oh Christians! Jesus is Lord, now and forever! Place your hope him and do not hope in the
And what about you? You who have never turned your life over to
Jesus? You who are still hoping in vain
in this world? You have trusted in the
government and look where it’s got you.
You have trusted in the people of this world, but they let you
down. You have trusted in yourself, but
you see how well that’s worked out. How
long will you go on hoping in things that cannot satisfy? Repent!
Turn your life over to Jesus today!
Trust in Him, for He is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace!
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