During Advent, I want to take a closer look at prayer. Prayer is so much more than what we usually
think of. There are so many different kinds
of prayer. Often, we in the church only
think of prayer as what the preacher does on Sunday mornings in worship. However, public prayer is only one type of
prayer—and it is not really a good model for what we do in private prayer.
Many of us struggle with our private prayer life. Many do not pray at all. Others who do pray regularly may feel like
their prayers are dull and lifeless, because they’re just repeating the same
prayers day after day, week after week—just asking God for the same things over
and over.
Pray doesn’t have to be that way. Prayer can be expressed in so many colorful ways;
we never need become bored with it. We
can never exhaust the deep well of true prayer if we understand that prayer is
so much more than what we thought it was.
We need a faithful prayer
life. We also need a deep prayer life. During Advent, I will explore some of the diverse
forms of prayer.
I highly recommend the book Prayer, Finding the Hearts
True Home by Richard Foster. It is a
classic and I wish I had read it much earlier in my spiritual journey. It would have helped my prayer life a
lot. It has helped me a lot his year. Foster shares 21 different kinds of
prayer. I will share some of them with
you over the next few weeks on Wednesday nights & Sunday mornings.
Today, I want to explore what I call, examining prayer and encourage you to practice it.
O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
2 You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
3 You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
4 You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
5 You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
First, examine how
God has been present in your day.
Usually, when we think of prayer, we think of closing our
eyes and folding our hands, and saying things like: “Dear God, please forgive
me for eating that extra piece of pecan pie and help me not to gain too much
weight from all I ate at Thanksgiving this year. Amen.” But prayer can also be quietly reflecting on
our day, intentionally thinking about all the ways God was present with us.
How many times does God show Himself to us—in the beautiful fall
colors, in a song on the radio, in the hug or encouragement of a friend, in an
idea that pops into our head—but we, in our hurried pace, don’t recognize it as
God’s divine presence. How many times do
we feel our conscious tell us, “You should send a card to so and so” or “I
wonder why Jeff hasn’t been at church lately” or something else. But the life rushes on and so do we and we
forget these little nudges from the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day thinking,
“Now, I know I was supposed to do something or I had an idea and now I can’t
remember it”? What if we reflected this way
intentionally as an act of prayer? What
if we were trusting God to help us remember those things He wanted us to
In examining prayer, we make time to prayerfully go back
over our day and trust God to help us remember what’s important—especially the
ways He revealed Himself to us or spoke to us or put something on our heart to
do. How helpful could it be for you to
grab a piece of paper and a pen and prayerfully examine the events of your day
and jot down a few notes about how God spoke to you or something He might want
you to do?
Second, invite God to examine you—to search your heart and cleanse you.
Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my
anxious thoughts. Point out anything in
me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” We are broken, sinful people. Because of our brokenness, we don’t even know
all the ways we are broken. Maybe we are
puffed up with pride, thinking we are pretty good people. Humans are experts at rationalizing our own
bad behavior. We are quick to point an
accusing finger at others, naming all the ways they fall short, but we will
make excuses for own bad behavior so we can continue to live a self-righteous
fantacy. This is a dangerous handicap
for anyone who wants to follow Christ.
We need God’s help to be honest with ourselves and know the ways we fall
short. How can we ask God to forgive our
sins and heal us if we don’t even know what they are? We need God’s help. We need Him to search us and clean us.
hope you will not be too intimidated to invite God to examine your life. It’s not like you could ever hide from Him
anyway. He made you and He knows everything
about you already. He knows you better
than you know yourself. What is missing
is a conversation where God lovingly reveals what He knows to you. I say lovingly reveals, because God is not mean-spirtited
when He searches us. He is gentle and
kind. He is honest. He does not justify or rationalize our
actions the way we would. But God is
also not as hard on us as we might be on ourselves. We often view our bad behavior, bad attitudes,
and mistakes in such a discouraging light, we berate ourselves and fall into
despair. But God knows the truth that it
is neither as good nor as bad as we think.
God shows us the truth—which usually lies somewhere in the middle—and then
He graciously helps us heal.
An unexamined life is not worth
12:1 says, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead
with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let
them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is
truly the way to worship him.” Christians are to give themselves to
God, completely. In order to really give
yourself to God, you’ve got to know who you really are. Prayer, where we ask God to search us and
reveal ourselves to ourselves is the
only way we can then turn our true selves
over to God. Therefore, we need God
to help us through examining prayer.
How do you do it?
Examining prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. It includes two things: 1) considering how God was been present in your
day and 2) inviting God to search your heart and cleanse you.
As I mentioned already, you can simply sit down at your
dinner table (or someplace quiet) with a pen and a piece of paper and just ask
God to help you reflect on your day.
What did you do? What details do
you remember? Who did you meet? What were your thoughts? What did you notice about the world around
you? Did you have any ideas come to
you? Did you feel there was something
you should do? There’s no need to put
too much pressure on yourself or to be anxious that you won’t remember it
all. You see, it’s not all up to
you. You are asking God to help you
remember what He wants you to remember. Don’t you think He is able to do that? Do you trust Him to help you remember what He wants you to remember and pass
over those things He wants you to forget?
As you reflect, jot down some notes on paper so you can look back over
your list later and always remember. Some
people find it helpful to use a journal to be more organized. If that works for you, good; but it’s not
necessary. A simple piece of paper or a
notepad will suffice.
Now, also ask God to search your heart and reveal anything that
He wants you to know about your life. Are
there sins for which you need to repent? Is there ungodly behavior or attitudes hiding
in your heart? Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to apologize to someone? Do you need to forgive yourself? What might be at the root of those thoughts
and behaviors? Ask God to show you. Again, write down whatever He reveals so you
can refer back to it later.
Writing works well for me.
I truly envy people who remember names, people, details, events, etc.
with remarkable clarity. That amazes me,
but that’s not me. I have a terrible
memory, so a written record is not only helpful, it is almost a necessity for
me. So, I like to-do lists and written
spiritual journals. That works well for
me. But these are not the only ways to participate
in examining prayer.
Physical activity can be very helpful too. God can reveal so much to you while you prayerfully
reflect while you go for a walk, cut the grass or rake leaves, wash the dishes
or vacuum. So often, we just think of
these activities as chores; but done in the right way, they can become prayer
that shows us how God is with us all the time and helps us see who we really
are. And if your memory is such that you
don’t need to write anything down to remember it, then pen and paper are not
really necessary. The point is to examine
your life and let God examine you.
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