For 2,000 years, people have speculated about Jesus--who he was and why he became so important and influential in our world. If we really want to know who Jesus was, maybe we should consider what he said about himself and why he came. That's what I'm doing in this series.
We are studying the seven "I AM" statements of Jesus from
the Gospel of John where Jesus told everyone who he is and why he came. So far, we have seen that Jesus is:
I am the Bread of Life – Jesus is the only thing that satisfies the deep hunger in our souls.
I am the Light of the World – Jesus reveals the truth and lights our way out of darkness.
I am the Gate – Jesus is the way into the protective safety of God’s presence.
And I also want to remind you that when Jesus said, I AM, he used those words intentionally. Way back in Exodus, God told Moses His name from the burning bush, "I Am." Exodus 20:15, "This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations." So everytime Jesus said I am... he was giving us a clue that he is God.
Today, I want to look at Jesus’ 4th I AM
statement from John 10:11-16.
John 10:11-16
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his
life for the sheep. 12 A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the
sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the
wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. 13 The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and
doesn’t really care about the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my own
sheep, and they know me, 15 just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my
life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring
them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one
A Shepherd Knows His Sheep
Jesus was a
brilliant communicator. He knew exactly
how to get his message across in ways people would understand and always remember. Shepherds and sheep were as common a sight in
Jesus' time as cars and the internet are in ours.
I am not a shepherd, but I did own some Nigerian dwarf goats for a few
years. These were dairy goats; and yes,
I did milk them. (Well, I milked one of them—Miranda.) Miranda was the matriarch of the flock. She was the first female goat I bought. In order to get milk, you have to breed your goats. After they have their babies (kids, in the case of goats), the mother produces milk. Then, you have to milk the goat at the same time every morning and every evening. You can't skip, because the animal will start to produces less milk. So I got pretty close to my goats, and especially Miranda. I was with her every day twice a day. I was also watching over her throughout her pregnancy. I was with her, cheering her on as she delivered her kids. And let me tell you, there is nothing cuter or more hilarious than flock of playful baby goats! So you sort of get attached to these animals and you really care about them when you spend so much time with them.
Milking a goat is not really that hard. It only takes about 15 minutes, twice a day. What makes it hard is the consistency of it. You have to do it every day, twice a day and you can't skip--not for anything. So if it is cold out, you have to milk the goat. If it is raining, you have to milk the goat. If it is snowing and 0 degrees outside, you have to milk the goat (ask me how I know). And if you every go out of town--even for just a day--someone has to milk the goat. Try finding someone in our day and age to milk a goat for you. I was lucky to have a few friends who helped from time to time and an amazing pet sitter who actually knew how to do it (now that's going above and beyond). And my wife, bless her heart, was terrible at it and hated it, but she still loved me enough to try a few times.
Once, I was out of town and my wife had Miranda up on the milking stand and Miranda was being stubborn. Miranda was acting like, "Hey! Who are you? You're not the right person! Why are you bothering me? Leave me alone!" And she was stomping and kicking and not letting Kelly milk her. So Kelly calls me on the cell phone and says, "Will you talk to Miranda? She's not letting me milk her." So I started talking to Miranda over the phone and she started bahing like she always did when I was at home with her. It was hillarious! But she knew my voice.
Jesus is
the Good Shepherd
Jesus is the good shepherd. He knows everything about his sheep. He's been with us during the good times and the bad times, in the big moments and the little ones. He was there when we were born, when we were learning to walk, going to school, graduating, getting married, getting divorced or whatever. Jesus is bonded to us and cares deeply about us because he's been investing in our lives from the very beginning.
Now, there are others in our life that say they care about us, and sometimes they really do--at least to a degree. But in one way or another, all these others are just "hired hands" (as Jesus says). Think about the people who tell you they care about you. There is the government. They say they care. And to a degree, it's true. Their job is to keep our society running smoothly if possible (it's in their best interest if everyone is happy and mostly taken care of, that justice prevails and laws are made and followed and we're all safe). And in a crisis like we're currently in with COVID 19, they are working hard to try to help. However, officials have their own families and their own personal interest that are more important to them than we are. And they will help as long as they can and they're able and it's in their own best interest, but there's a limit. They're not going to sacrifice their life or their families for us. And most aren't going to sacrifice their financial well-being for us. They're hired hands. And if a big enough wolf comes to attack us, their going to run away.
Or maybe the hired hand in your life was a romantic relationship. Someone told you they loved you more than life itself and you thought they would always be there for you. But now you look around and they're gone. It hurts so bad when you find out the love of your life was only a hired hand. We try to assure that people won't leave "in sickness or in health" through marriage vows. We sign a marriage licence and make promises before God in a marriage ceremony to says we won't ever leave; but even this sometimes doesn't work and through divorce we find out our spouse was only a "hired hand" who abandoned us when the "wolf" came.
What other “hired hands” have let you down in this life when the "wolf" came to attack?
Jesus is not like the hired hands. He is the Good Shepherd. He will never abandon you. He will fight for you and protect you and provide for you. He will even give his life for you if that's what it takes.
The Wolf in the illustration can be any evil or trouble that comes. But ultimately, the Wolf is the Devil who comes to destroy you because of your sin. The wolf is hungry and he hates you and he hates it when you draw closer to God. And the wolf is scary and viscous with claws and fangs. And alone we're defenseless against Satan. Think about it, in Jesus' story, we're the sheep! Sheep are domesticated animals with almost no defensive weapons. They're best hope is to flock together (and that's only in hopes that the wolf will eat someone else and not me). And sheep are so dumb, they usually scattered when the wolf attacks which only makes them even more vulnerable. Sheep need a courageous, caring, and capable shepherd to protect them. And that's what Jesus is. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He will not abandon us. He fights off the Wolf (the Devil) whenever the Wolf attacks--even if it costs his life.
Jesus Died
for You
The Gospels tell us Jesus loves you so much He sacrificed his life to save you. You see, everyone is corrupted by sin and sin leads to death. Romans 3:23 tells us, "For all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard." And Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." And over 500 years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah foretold Jesus' purpose as the Good Shepherd--Isaiah 53:6, "All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him [Jesus] the sins of us all."
No one had the power to kill Jesus, but Jesus knew someone had to die to pay the penalty for our sin. And though Jesus was the only person who ever lived who was perfect in every way and didn't deserve to die, Jesus sacrificed His life for you and me. He allowed himself to be arrested, tortured, and crucified. His death atones for our sin. He literally laid down his life to save ours for all eternity.
Are You
One of Jesus’ Sheep?
Are you one of the Good Shepherd's sheep? This is a really important question for you to answer! Everyone wants to go to heaven. Nobody wants to go to hell. And everyone wants to assume they will go to heaven when this life is over. But I have to tell you the Truth, if Jesus is not your Good Shepherd in this life, it’s illogical to think He will be your Good Shepherd in the Afterlife. And it's not out of spite. It's just that you would never be happy living with and obeying Jesus for eternity if you don't want to do it for the few years you live on this earth in this life. And so, in the end, God will grant you your wish. Either He will want to live in harmony with Him forever, or He let you have your way and live without Him for all eternity (which is really the definition of hell). Which one will you be? Do you want to be in the Good Shepherd's flock or not? And how do you know?
Well, Jesus told us. He said His sheep know and follow Jesus voice. Do you know and are you you listening to His voice. We listen to and get to know His voice through prayer, reading Scripture, and listening to people God appoints to speak to us for Him. But the most important of these are prayer and Scripture. Are you praying and reading the Bible and listening to God speak to you through them and the people He's appointed to preach His Word?
Jesus says His sheep will follow Him. We do this by obeying what He says. And so much of what Jesus said was about how we love others and serve and share our witness about what Jesus is doing for us. Are you following Jesus in obedience to His Word?
Jesus Has
Other Sheep Too
Jesus says something very interesting in verse 16 that's very relevant for us today. John 10:16, "I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd." There are still sheep that belong to Jesus out in the dangerous world. They are lost and vulnerable and Jesus, the Good Shepherd wants to gather them in. And Jesus gave us a mission to gather them in.
What are you doing to bring in Jesus’ other sheep? With so many worshiping online right now during the coronavirus pandemic, it's never been easier to invite people to come worship Jesus with you. All you have to do is send them a message on Facebook and you can literally invite people from all over the world! And it's easy for them to come. They don't have to be nervous about visiting a church building where there will be people they don't know and worrying what it will be like and if they will be judged or unwelcome. They can log into the worship experience from the comfort of their own home in the pajamas if they want to! Are you inviting these sheep to come hear the Good News about Jesus?
Are you being a witness for Jesus yourself? That doesn't have to be intimidating. You don't have to have everything figured out to be a witness. You don't have to teach a Bible lesson or preach a sermon. You don't even have to know all the answers. You just have to be willing to say how Jesus has made a difference in your own life. Are you being a witness for the Good Shepherd?
So, as we close, I want to give a two-fold invitation:
First, I want to invite you, if you to become one of Jesus’ sheep. All you need to do to make this happen is pray to Jesus and say something like, "Jesus, forgive me for my sin. I want to follow you from now on. Save me and help me. Amen."
And second, I want to invite you to follow Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and make disciples…” There is no better time than this and you’ve never been more equipped to literally go into all the world and make disciples. Invite someone to worship Jesus with you. And tell people how Jesus is making a difference in your life.