spring has definitely sprung! And the
weather Friday and Saturday was glorious.
This is my favorite time of year.
So, although this virus has disrupted all our lives, maybe the weather
and the green grass and the budding flowers is some compensation. So, while you’re practicing social distancing,
be sure to get outside and do a little yard work, go for a walk, or just sit on
your front porch for a few minutes. The
sunshine will do you good. Sunshine give
you vitamin D and vitamin D is good for your immune system and your emotional
health too.
while you’re watching the world spring to life and grow all around you, think
about what Jesus said. He told us who he
is and explained his character. Using
the eternal proper name of God, “I AM”, Jesus said:
I AM the Bread of Life – the only thing that satisfies the deep hunger in your soul
I AM the Light of the World – the One who reveals the truth and lights your way out of darkness
I AM the Gate – the only way into the protective safety of God’s presence
I AM the Good Shepherd – the One who knows you by name and protects you, even at the cost of His own life.
I AM the Bread of Life – the only thing that satisfies the deep hunger in your soul
I AM the Light of the World – the One who reveals the truth and lights your way out of darkness
I AM the Gate – the only way into the protective safety of God’s presence
I AM the Good Shepherd – the One who knows you by name and protects you, even at the cost of His own life.
Today, we look at Jesus’ 5th I AM statement from
John 15:1-17 – I AM the true vine.
John 15:1-17
1 “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He
cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the
branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You
have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain
in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is
severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those
who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you
can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me
is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered
into a pile to be burned. 7 But if you remain in me
and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be
granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are my
true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.
9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved
me. Remain in my love. 10 When you obey my
commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments
and remain in his love. 11 I have told you these
things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! 12 This
is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There
is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You
are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no
longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you
are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. 16 You
didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit,
so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. 17 This
is my command: Love each other.
said, “I Am the true grapevine.” I have
never grown grapes. I did find some wild
grapes in the woods behind my house one time, which was pretty cool. They are edible and they’re not too bad, but
they just aren’t as good as the sweet, juicy cultivated grapes you get from the
were one of the main crops grown in Israel in Jesus’ day. Now, I’m not a grape farmer, but here’s what
I have read about it. It takes three
years for grapevines to mature enough to produce fruit. The first year the vines grow up very fast
and gardeners train the vines to grow over a lattice. The second year, the vine may produce some
fruit, but only small impotent berries.
By the third year, the grapevine is ready to produce a real crop, but
only if the vine has been properly pruned.
develop only on new growth, which sprouts from 1-year-old wood. So, in the vine's second fall, the gardener
must prune off about 70 percent of the plant, leaving just the
main trunk and canes. Now think about that... 70 percent! I'm not a gardener and chopping away 70 percent of a healthy looking grapevine until all that was left is a bare, ugly, hacked up vine would scare me to death!
the gardener fails to properly prune the grapevine in this way, it will not be very fruitful. But if the gardener, in faith, cuts away 70%
of the vines branches, that same vine will grow new branches and shoots and
will be fantastically fruitful—producing the wonderfully sweet and juicy grapes
we all know and love.
Am the Vine, You are the Branches
this I AM statement, Jesus not only tells us who He is, but also who we
are. He is the true vine, we are
the branches. The True vine is the source
of life. It is the part of the plant that
reaches down into the soil and draws up life-giving water and nourishing minerals. These essential elements are distributed out
into the branches so they can produce fruit.
Apart from the vine, the branches are useless.
I cut my grass for the first time this season.
Before I could cut, I had to go around and pick up several small, broken
branches that had fallen out of trees over the winter. What are those small broken branches good for? Nothing. I pile mine up next to our fire pit and burn them whenever we have a bonfire.
Jesus isn’t talking about agriculture.
He’s talking about your spiritual life and your relationship with God in
Christ. We must remain connected to
Christ and when we do and when we allow God to properly prune us, we will bear
much fruit.
5:22-23 lists the kinds of spiritual fruit Christians produce: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” As we remain in Christ, we bear much
fruit. Now there's something about
fruit. It isn't for the plant that produces it. It's for others. The grapes on a grape vine aren’t
for the grapevine to eat. Right? The sweet,
juicy grape is not for the vine; it’s for others. Right? Maybe it’s for the birds or animals or the gardener,
but the vine doesn’t eat the fruit. But
every grape (every fruit) has seeds in it.
And if a bird eats the seed andn flies away to another field, the fruit will be digested and the seed will be dropped (in a load of wonderful fertilizer). It may take root and grow a new vine. Or
maybe the gardener eats the fruit and collects the seeds and plants a new vine, which produces even more fruit.
about the seed/fruit principle in terms of your own spiritual fruit. When we follow Christ as our Lord, the Holy Spirit grow spiritual fruit in us--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control. And in general, these fruits not only bless us, but hey bless others even more. So when the world is turned upside down and everyone is full of fear, we have a spiritual "peace that passes all understanding". And others enjoy this peace in us (or love or joy or kindness...). But, just like the grapes, inside every fruit of the spirit is a seed--the seed of the Gospel. And as people see this fruit in us and enjoy it, the also get the seed of the Gospel. They may think, "Why is this person so full of peace, patience, kindness? I wish I had more of that." And they find out the person is a Christian and Jesus' Holy Spirit is the source of their spiritual fruit. And sometimes, the Gospel seed takes root and grows in their heart too and they begin to follow Christ. And even more fruit begins to grow in our world.
God (the Gardener) is no fool. He knows
there are many branches on the Jesus vine who are useless, resource sucking, “no
fruit producing” branches. These selfish
people are only hoping to hide is Christ and avoid eternal punishment in
Hell. These useless branches care
nothing for God’s glory or Kingdom. They’re
only in it for themselves and what Jesus can do for them. But God cannot be fooled. The Great Gardener of our souls knows how to
tell a useless, resource stealing branch from branches with real
potential. And God cuts away those useless branches who will never produce fruit and throws them into the fire (because that’s
all they’re good for).
I gave my life to Christ and became a Christian when I was only 8 years old. To start with, I was a very unfruitful branch. Quite honestly, I became a Christian for merely selfish reasons. I learned in Children's Church at Pine Forest Baptist Church that if a person accepts Jesus into their heart, they will receive eternal life with God in Heaven, where there will be no more suffering or sickness or death. It will be a paradise that lasts forever. And I also learned that if you reject Christ and die, you will spend eternity in Hell, a place of eternal torment from which there is no escape. Now, it didn't take much to convince me that I wanted to go to heaven and not hell. So I chose to follow Christ. It was purely a selfish decision. I wasn't very interested in serving God or being fruitful. And for several years as an immature Christian, that's how I lived.
I am so thankful now, that God is abounding in patience and mercy and He waited for me to
mature in my faith until I was less selfish and began to bear fruit. Eventually, I began to realize how wonderful God is and what Jesus had done for me. And I began to see how I loved Him, becuase He first loved me. And I also began to see how God loves everyone and I want to love those whom od loves. I bean to feel compassion for others and want to serve them the way Jesus has served me. Only then, did I begin to start bearing fruit.
God has been merciful and patient with you--oh fruitless Christian--but how long must God wait on you before you wake up and find your heart warmed to love others and be fruitful? God will not wait forever. While He waits for you, you are consuming resources and space that could be used by a more fruitful branch. Wake up, oh useless branch, and begin to be fruitful lest you be pruned away and thrown into the pile of useless branches destined for the fire!
for those who remain in Christ, who truly are good branches, who truly do
desire to bear fruit, there is a kind of pruning that must take place. There are many things in our lives that must
be pruned away. I don't know what percentage of your life must be cut away to make room for fruit. However, consider the grapevine, which must lose 70% of it's branches to be fruitful each year. What would it look like if you lost 70% of yourself to God's spiritual pruning?
As we go through the difficulties of the COVID 19 pandemic, much of our lives has been turned upside down. Maybe we are experiencing a spiritual pruning. I invite you to consider, what are you learning from these very interesting days we are
living through? What are some things God may be cutting away from your life so
that you can be more fruitful? What are some new things God is growing in you (where less
fruitful branches once were) that might bear real fruit for His Kingdom? Maybe there are some things you should not return to once this is all over and we find our new normal.
said, I AM the true vine. If you remain
in Him, you will bear much fruit. Apart
from Jesus, you can do nothing and will wither and die. Then you will be discarded to the trash pile
to be burned up later. The Good News is,
you can choose who you will be. Through
the gracious power of the Holy Spirit, God allows you to decide.
Will you choose to remain disconnected from Jesus, chasing your own selfish desires? These are useless. They lead to nothing. They only suck your life away until you are a dried up withered branch that’s only good for the fire.
Or will you try to hide among the other “Christian” branches, just trying to “look” like a Christian and “act” like a Christian but not really producing any fruit for God, hoping you will go unnoticed by the Master Gardener? Let me assure, nothing escapes the Gardener's discerning eye. He knows and will cut away any useless branch, to make room for new branches to grow that will bear much fruit.
I pray that today you will choose to be one of Christ’s faithful, connected branches, allowing God to prune you so you can bear much fruit for His Kingdom. Won’t you pray for God to help you choose to be fruitful today?
I pray that today you will choose to be one of Christ’s faithful, connected branches, allowing God to prune you so you can bear much fruit for His Kingdom. Won’t you pray for God to help you choose to be fruitful today?
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