Kids are scary. Once, when my daughter was maybe two years old, I was sleeping peacefully when I was startled from my sleep in the middle of the night. There, in the dark, just inches from my face, I saw two big blue eyes staring at me! After just a moment of shock, it registered that this was the face of my blonde-haired, blue eyed daughter. She'd woken from a dream and was scared in the dark, so she silently wandered into her parents' room for comfort. We welcomed her into our bed, where she immediately curled up and fell back asleep. For some reason, we often don’t want to be alone when we’re afraid. When we’re afraid as kids, we run to our parents or someone strong who can protect us. When we’re afraid because we’re facing uncertainty, we want the company of those who have faced our situation before. Sometimes, we just want someone to be with us so we’re not alone.
Today, I want to reassure you: you are not alone in your fear.
Hebrews 11:1
shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot
It Starts with Faith
Faith is the key to so much in life because we can’t see what the future holds. We don’t know what tomorrow may bring, let alone what will happen next week or next year. We hope for something good and the Bible says God has good plans for us, but we can’t see the good that will come or the God who promises to give it to us.
That’s where faith is the key. Faith shows us the reality of what we hope for. We hope that God is good, that God loves us, that God has the power to do good for us. That is our hope. Faith shows us it is true. Faith is the evidence.
Through the lens of faith, we can see the love and power of God through all the events of life. Where others who lack faith see nothing, we see the power and goodness of God. Where others, who lack faith, see terror and tragedy and disappointment, we see God helping us, healing us, and even using bad things that He didn't want to happen for our good. Faith in the lens that enables us to interpret events as the work of good God.
The 11th chapter of Hebrews gives a long list of people whose faith helped them do amazing things. Noah built the Ark and saved the animals and his family from the flood so the world could have a fresh start. Abraham left his homeland and went to the Promised Land where God gave him so many descendants we can't even count them all. His wife, Sarah, was able to have a child even though she was barren and too old. By faith, Moses was saved from the Nile River and raised by Pharaoh's daughter. Later, by faith, Moses delivered the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. By faith, Joshua led the Israelites to conquer Jericho and all of Canaan. By faith, Rahab, who was a Canaanite, was saved from destruction and became one of God’s chosen people—and ancestor of King David and later Jesus the Christ. By faith, all these people did amazing things because they trusted God and He helped them.
But there are others mentioned too—people whose life story did not have a happy ending—at least, not by the world’s standards and not in this life. Some were scorned, some were abused, tortured, or even murdered because of their faith in God. But by faith, they understood they were not defeated because God vindicated them in the afterlife. These faithful martyrs from the past faced persecution and death willingly because their faith helped them see it was better to honor God than keep their life. They believed in God’s goodness and trusted Him even to the point of death. As Hebrews 11:35 says, “They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection.” And so, now they have it. We need not feel sorry for them. We can even envy their eternal reward because they where special crown in eternity that honors their faithful witness in death.
Through faith, we can see that God didn’t abandon the world, even though our sin was terrible. “For," John 3:16 says, "God loved the world so much, He sent His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.”
Faith is the key to so much in life.
Have Faith in Yourself
You have to have faith in yourself. You have to believe you can succeed. Of course you have to put in the effort to train and prepare for success. But even if you full prepare for success and don't believe in yourself, you will fail. You have to prepare and have faith that you will succeed or you have already defeated yourself. So you have to believe you can do it or you can't.
The truth is we can't fully succeed in life on our own. We need other people. That's the life works. You need to be able to have faith in other people. You need others to succeed. That's why it's so important that you surround yourself with people you can count on--people who will tell you the truth, people who will help and encourage you, people who will help you be your best. Otherwise, if you can't have faith in the people around you, they will pull you down. (It's also important to say you should be the kind of person others can have faith in too. They need you to help them also.)
Have Faith is God
We also need to have faith in something bigger than ourselves. If we only having faith in ourselves and others, we will be very limited in what we can accomplish. We may accomplish some good things, but greatness will elude us because we will be limited by our human abilities. God has big plans for you, bigger than what you can do on your own (or even with the help of others). If David (from the Bible) only trusted in his ability (or even the ability of the army of Israel), he never would have stepped forward to fight the giant, Goliath. He was just a skinny kid who couldn't even wear armor or pick up a sword. David trusted God was able to give him the victory and he went to battle based on his faith in God. When we trust God, He enables us to do great things--greater than we can do on our own. So we must have faith in God.
One of the great things God does for us is save us from our sin, through Christ, for eternal life. Do you trust God? Do you have faith in Him? Will you let Christ be your Lord?
You Are Not Alone
In the Old Testament, God spoke to reassure His people in their time of distress in Isaiah 41:10, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
You are not alone! In the New Testament, Jesus reassured His followers in Matthew 28:20, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end
of the age.” I'm sure the Twelve Disciples were afraid and overwhelmed by the prospect of going out into the whole world to make disciples for Jesus. The "whole world" is a big, scary place! So Jesus said they could be sure He was always with them. And Jesus said He would be with His disciples to the end of the age. "The Age" hasn't ended yet and we are Jesus' disciples if we call Him Lord. So that means Jesus is with us too! And it means we have a big job to do--to make disciples of all nations.You are not alone in your fear or in any of life’s struggles or victories. All the famous heroes of the Bible are cheering you own! Abraham, Moses, David, the Twelve Disciples are cheering for you! Not only that, your friends and love ones who trusted Jesus and have died and gone to be with Him, they are cheering you on too! You can think of many of the names of your Christian loved ones who have gone to be with the Lord. They are cheering for you! You are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses to the life of faith who are rooting for you!
So, DO
NOT BE AFRAID! God is with you! His faithful people are with you too!
Closing Meditation
Imagine a great cloud of witnesses surrounding you. Among them are Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah and the prophets, and the Twelve Disciples. Among them are the many Christian martyrs who gave their lives for the faith over the last 2,000 years. Among them also are so many of the people you've loved who have died and gone to be with Jesus in Heaven.
They are so proud of you. They are cheering for you, encouraging you, rooting for you to succeed. They understand the difficulties you face, because they faced them too and they made it through. The know you are scared or overwhelmed, but they know you can make it through. They are rooting for you!
I also want you to know that God, in Jesus, is with you too. He is not angry. He is not disappointed. He loves you. He loves you so much He died for you. Imagine Jesus calling out to you. He says, “Come to me, you who are weary and carrying a heavy burden. Give it to me. I offer rest for your weary soul. I have something better for you. It isn’t hard to carry. And you don’t have to carry it alone. I will walk with you and help you. And all these saints around you will be there too, cheering you on. And there will be many Christians in this world who will help you too. For in my Church, we are family—brothers and sisters in Christ. You are not alone. Don’t be afraid. I am with you."
Let the reality of this scene wash over you. You cannot see it with your physical eyes. See it with the eyes of faith and believe, Amen.