The people of Pleasant Grove UMC
are on a mission from God to tell people about Jesus and the Holy Spirit
empowers us to do it. Say it with me:
“I am on a
mission from God
to tell
people about Jesus
and the
Holy Spirit empowers me to do it.”
A few years ago, a device became popular that has revolutionized travel--the GPS. No longer do you have to ask for directions. You can just enter an address and a friendly voice will give you turn by turn instructions from where you are to where you want to go.
I bought my first GPS back in 2007. It was very handy. I even used it to visit my sister when she lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I just programed in her address and the GPS took me right there. After a couple years, I decided to get a new GPS. So, I gave my old GPS to my Mom, who was planning a trip to see my sister who had moved from Ft. Lauderdale to Raleigh, North Carolina.
I wanted to make it easy for my Mom, so I put my sister's address in the GPS before Mom left on her trip. After a couple of hours, Mom stopped to get some gas and use the restroom. She turned off the car and went in a convenience store. When she came back out to the car, the GPS had reset to the home screen. So Mom looked up the recent entries and found the one that said, "Lisa's House" (Lisa is my sister). So Mom selected "Lisa's House" and was very proud that she'd figured it out all by herself without having to call her son for help. Well, after about an hour of driving, Mom was concerned the GPS was giving her the wrong directions. So she called me and said, "I think something went wrong. Maybe I missed a turn or something." I said, "It doesn't matter Mom. If you miss a turn, the GPS will recalculate and give you new directions. Just follow the GPS's instructions and you'll be OK." Well, she did for another 30 or 40 minutes and then called back, "I still don't think this is right. I seem to be going south when I should be going north." So I guided her to look up the map on the GPS and we figured out what happened. Mom and selected my sister's old address from Ft. Lauderdale, which was still saved in the GPS! The GPS was giving her directions to Florida, not North Carolina! Mom had wasted about 2 hours going in the wrong direction!
I bought my first GPS back in 2007. It was very handy. I even used it to visit my sister when she lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I just programed in her address and the GPS took me right there. After a couple years, I decided to get a new GPS. So, I gave my old GPS to my Mom, who was planning a trip to see my sister who had moved from Ft. Lauderdale to Raleigh, North Carolina.
I wanted to make it easy for my Mom, so I put my sister's address in the GPS before Mom left on her trip. After a couple of hours, Mom stopped to get some gas and use the restroom. She turned off the car and went in a convenience store. When she came back out to the car, the GPS had reset to the home screen. So Mom looked up the recent entries and found the one that said, "Lisa's House" (Lisa is my sister). So Mom selected "Lisa's House" and was very proud that she'd figured it out all by herself without having to call her son for help. Well, after about an hour of driving, Mom was concerned the GPS was giving her the wrong directions. So she called me and said, "I think something went wrong. Maybe I missed a turn or something." I said, "It doesn't matter Mom. If you miss a turn, the GPS will recalculate and give you new directions. Just follow the GPS's instructions and you'll be OK." Well, she did for another 30 or 40 minutes and then called back, "I still don't think this is right. I seem to be going south when I should be going north." So I guided her to look up the map on the GPS and we figured out what happened. Mom and selected my sister's old address from Ft. Lauderdale, which was still saved in the GPS! The GPS was giving her directions to Florida, not North Carolina! Mom had wasted about 2 hours going in the wrong direction!
Every now and then, it's good to reflect
on whether we are heading in the right direction. Back in 2011, Pleasant Grove UMC determined the
three primary goals we believe God wants us to focus on are: 1) give hope to the hopeless, 2) build new
relationships, and 3) help our community.
Our mission and these three goals should guide everything we do at
Pleasant Grove. So I want to spend some
time over the next few weeks looking at each of these goals. My hope is to remember our goals and reflect
on our attitudes so we can make sure we are all going in the right direction.
Today I want to reflect on our first goal
– Give Hope to the Hopeless. As we
consider this, listen to Jesus words in Luke 4:18-19. Quoting the prophet Isaiah, Jesus explained why
he came:
Luke 4:18-19
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see,
that the oppressed will be set free,
19 and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see,
that the oppressed will be set free,
19 and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
Jesus Gives Hope to
the Hopeless

Goal #1 – Give Hope to the Hopeless

Isn’t that amazing! Jesus came to give hope to the hopeless. He made it clear from the very beginning of
his ministry. He said in Luke 4:18 –
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me… He has anointed me…” In other words: God set me apart and empowered me for this
special task.
What task? “…to bring Good News…” Jesus didn’t come to bring judgment or to
scream “God is angry!” “God sent [Jesus]
into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”
(John 3:17) What an amazing, uplifting
Let’s look at the context our
scripture reading (Luke 4:18-19). It is
very near the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
Luke 4 begins with the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness prior to
his ministry. Then in verses 14 &
15, Jesus begins his ministry by teaching in Galilean synagogues and his reputation
starts growing rapidly.
In Luke 4:16 it says, “When he came to the village of Nazareth, his
boyhood home, he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to
read the Scriptures.” Nazareth was Jesus’
hometown and he was going to preach in his hometown church. This tells us a couple things. First of all, he is speaking to church people. Usually we read about Jesus out preaching in
the community or in people’s homes; he is usually with sinners and non-church
people. In this story, Jesus is speaking
specifically to church people. And Jesus
is speaking to the church people he grew up with. He knew them and he knew their hearts. He also loved them. He is about to speak the Truth in love they need
to hear.
Luke 4:18-19, the scripture he read
was the same passage we read, though he read it from Isaiah 61:1-2 and 58:6). Then he is ready to begin his sermon. Verse 20
says, “He rolled up the scroll,
handed it back to the attendant, and sat
down.” I used to think when it
said he “sat down” it meant he was done, but I was wrong. It really meant was Jesus was about to start
preaching. In those days Rabbis sat down
to teach.
The Sermon
Verses 20b-22 say, “All eyes in the
synagogue looked at him intently. 21 Then he began to speak to them.
“The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!” 22 Everyone spoke well of him and
was amazed by the gracious words that came from his lips. “How can this be?”
they asked. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
It’s fascinating to watch this
scene unfold, to see how the people are reacting to Jesus’ sermon in real-time. As a preacher, I’m always wondering how my
sermon is being received by you. I’m
looking out at you wondering what you are thinking. Here in these verses, we are getting the play
by play of how Jesus’ sermon is being received.
At first, they are delighted in
their hometown boy. “Boy, he’s a good
preacher! We raised him right. Can you believe how graciously he
speaks? That’s our boy! No wonder his
ministry has been doing so well!”
Everything would have been fine if he’d stopped right there, but Jesus
had to cross the line. In verse 23, we find the pivotal word. It reads, “Then he said…” The word
“then” is the turning point of the whole story.
Verse 23-27, ““You will undoubtedly quote me this proverb: ‘Physician,
heal yourself’—meaning, ‘Do miracles here in your hometown like those you did
in Capernaum.’ 24 But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted
in his own hometown. 25
“Certainly there were many needy widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the
heavens were closed for three and a half years, and a severe famine devastated
the land. 26 Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them. He was sent
instead to a foreigner—a widow of Zarephath in the land of Sidon. 27
And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, but the
only one healed was Naaman, a Syrian.”
The Jews of Nazareth in Jesus day were
engaged in a great debate: Should they teach Gentiles in nearby gentile cities about
God or should they keep separate from them because they were “unclean” people. The Jews of Jesus day believed they were
God’s chosen people, beloved more by God than any others. Surely, they were God’s favorites. Jesus addresses this attitude directly in his
sermon. Jesus recalls another dark time
in Israel’s history from the OT when Elijah was prophet. It was a time when Israel rejected God, so
God took His mercy to the Gentiles.
I want to make sure you understand
something: Neither your nationality nor your
church membership entitles you to God’s favor.
Being a “good person” does not earn you God’s mercy. Jesus came to offer hope to those who humbly recognize their hopelessness
rather than those who think they are somehow specially favored by God.
That’s what Jesus told the
religious Jews of Nazareth. In fact,
Jesus had the audacity to imply they
were actually in a worse spiritual state than the Gentiles! It made the
people in the synagogue so mad, they tried to throw Jesus off a cliff!
The Gospel is Not for
“Good” People
Notice what Jesus said (verse 21),
“The scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day.” In other
words, it’s been fulfilled just now. What has been fulfilled? Good news has been preached to the poor,
release to captives, blind will see, oppressed set free… Jesus just proclaimed this message to the synagogue people. In other words, Jesus was saying these good church people
were all of these things—poor, captive, blind, and oppressed. It was not “should we good people reach out
our merciful hand to help those poor, unfortunate Gentiles…” It was that the good Jews of that synagogue
were no better than the Gentiles and
just as poor, captive, blind, and oppressed.
Here we are 2,000 years later. The Church in America finds herself full of
people who are trying to be good. In
fact, we’ve become so good, that we often no longer feel comfortable being
personally involved in ministry to the poor, imprisoned, blind, oppressed sinners of our community. Oh, we might give a little money to help, but
don’t ask me to be personally involved.
Why do we have this us and them
mentality? The Truth is: We are
them and they is us!
Jesus came to bring hope to the hopeless. Let us, therefore, go out and give hope to our brothers and sisters as we receive hope ourselves.
In the movie “Finding Nemo,” there
is a moment when a school of fish are caught in the net of a commercial fishing
boat. At first, they are all frightened
and each individually swimming in all different directions trying to escape the net, but
it is hopeless. They are trapped. Then little Nemo has the solution. He tells them to all swim together. And so the whole school of fish swim downward
together. The net begins to go back
down into the ocean. Up on the surface, the fishing
boat strains to pull up the net and then the beam holding the net breaks under
the tremendous force of the whole school of fish swimming together. The net opens and all the fish go
free. In the same way, when we all
strive for the same goal together, God can do amazing things through us to
bring hope to the hopeless.
What are some ways we
could “swim together” and bring hope to the hopeless? Some things we are already doing: our sack
lunch program provides meals for hungry kids over the weekend when they are out
of school. Through Family Promise we
house homeless families in our church for a week. But what else could we do? What about some ongoing ministries?
My purpose is not to
tell you what you should do, only to get you thinking about the possibilities. I also have another purpose. I want you to reflect on
your attitudes. Giving hope to the hopeless is a principle we members of PGUMC
seek to live by. It should guide the way
we minister, the policies we make, the way we worship, the way we think and
everything we do. I challenge you to
reflect on your own attitudes and actions.
Are you truly committed to giving hope to the hopeless? What needs to change in you so we can all
swim together and give hope to the hopeless?
Christ came to give hope to the
hopeless. If you find yourself in a
hopeless situation, there is good news for you today. Jesus came to give you hope. No night is too dark. No battle is too hard. No situation is too hopeless. No chains are too strong with Jesus by your
side. Jesus invites you to come to him
today and lay down all your burdens before him.
Let him take control of your life and you will find hope you never knew
before. Then, you will be inspired to do the same for others--to give hope to the hopeless.