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Monday, August 8, 2016

I Surrender

Galatians 2:20 (NIV)
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

            I have a question I want you to ask yourself this morning.  Have you surrendered to Jesus?  Furthermore, have you truly surrendered it all?
            The life of a Christian is one of surrender.  Not surrender to the world, not giving in to worldly temptations or selling out, but wholehearted surrender to God through Jesus Christ.  Everyone who begins the journey of the Christian life begins with surrender.  In the words of the baptismal vows printed in our hymnal, we promise to:
  • Renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of our sin
  • To resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves
  • And to confess Jesus as our Savior, put our whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as our Lord, in union with the Church… 
We begin with surrender, but we must continue to surrender daily as Jesus reveals more and more areas of our life that need to come under His authority.  This process of sanctification (or purification) takes time and the Lord is patient, but Jesus expects us to continue along the path.  We mustn’t become complacent.  We must press on until every area of our heart is solely under the authority of Christ.

Unconditional Surrender
            I once read a helpful devotion by Robert Munger that compared the Christian life to inviting Jesus as a guest in your home.  I want share it with you today, because it helped me.[i]  Perhaps it will help you to surrender more fully to Christ.

My Heart Christ's Home, by Robert Boyd Munger
One evening I invited Jesus Christ into my heart. What an entrance He made! It was not a
spectacular, emotional thing, but very real. It was at the very center of my life. He came into the darkness of my heart and turned on the light. He built a fire in the cold hearth and banished the chill. He started music where there had been stillness, and He filled the emptiness with His own loving, wonderful fellowship. I have never regretted opening the door to Christ and I never will - not into eternity!

This, of course, is the first step in making the heart Christ's home. He has said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20). If you are interested in making your life an abode of the living God, let me encourage you to invite Christ into your heart and He will surely come.

After Christ entered my heart and in the joy of this new relationship I said to Him, "Lord, I want this heart of mine to be Yours. I want to have You settle down here and be perfectly at home.  Everything I have belongs to You. Let me show You around and introduce you to the various features of the home that you may be more comfortable and that we may have fuller fellowship together."  He was very glad to come, of course, and happier still to be given a place in the heart.

The Study
The first room was the stud - the library. Let us all it the study of the mind. Now in my home this room of the mind is a very small room with very thick walls. But it is an important room. In a sense, it is the control room of the house. He entered with me and looked around at the books in the bookcase, the magazines upon the table, the pictures on the walls. As I followed His gaze I became uncomfortable. Strangely enough, I had not felt badly about this before, but now that He was there looking at these things I was embarrassed. There were some books were there that His eyes were too pure to behold. There was a lot of trash and literature on the table that a Christian had no business reading, and as for the pictures on the walls - the imaginations and thoughts of the mind - these were shameful.

I turned to Him and said, "Master, I know that this room needs a radical alteration. Will You help me make it what it ought to be? - to bring every thought into captivity to you?"

"Surely!" He said. "Gladly will I help you. First of all, take all the things that you are reading and looking at which are not helpful, pure, good and true, and throw them out! Now put on the empty shelves the books of the Bible. Fill the library with Scriptures and meditate on then day and night.  As for the pictures on the walls, you will have difficulty controlling these images, but here is an aid" He gave me a full-size portrait of Himself. "Hang this centrally," He said, "on the wall of the mind."

I did, and I have discovered through the years that when my thoughts are centered upon Christ Himself, His purity and power cause impure thoughts to back away. So He has helped me to bring my thoughts into captivity.

May I suggest to you if you have difficulty with this little room of the mind, that you bring Christ in there. Pack it full with the Word of God, meditate upon it and keep before it the immediate presence of the Lord Jesus.

The Dining Room
From the study we went into the dining room, the room of appetites and desires. Now this was a very large room. I spent a good deal of time in the dining room and much effort in satisfying my wants.

I said to Him, "This is a favorite room. I am quite sure You will be pleased with what we serve."  He seated Himself at the table with me and asked, "What is on the menu for dinner?"

"Well," I said, "my favorite dishes: money, academic degrees and stocks, with newspaper articles of fame and fortune as side dishes." These were the things I liked - worldly fare. I suppose there was nothing radically wrong in any particular item, but it was not the food that should satisfy the life of a real Christian. When the food was placed before Him, He said nothing about it. However, I observed that He did not eat it, and I said to Him, somewhat disturbed, "Master, don't You care for this food? What is the trouble?"

He answered, "I have meat to eat that you do not know of. My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me." He looked at me again and said, "If you want food that really satisfies you, seek the will of the Father, not your own pleasures, not your own desires, and not your own satisfaction. Seek to please Me and that food will satisfy you." And there at the table He gave me a taste of doing God's will. What a flavor! There is no food like it in all the world. It alone satisfies. Everything else is dissatisfying in the end.

Now if Christ is in your heart, and I trust He is, what kind of food are you serving Him and what kind of food are you eating yourself? Are you living for the lust of the flesh and the pride of life - selfishly? Or are you choosing God's will for your meat and drink?

The Living Room
We walked next into the living room. This room was rather intimate and comfortable. I liked it. It had a fireplace, overstuffed chairs, a sofa, and a quiet atmosphere.  

He also seemed pleased with it. He said, "This is indeed a delightful room. Let us come here often. It is secluded and quiet, and we can fellowship together."

Well, naturally as a young Christian I was thrilled. I couldn't think of anything I would rather do than have a few minutes with Christ in intimate  companionship.

He promised, "I will be here early every morning. Meet me here, and we will start the day together."

So morning after morning, I would come downstairs to the living room and He would take a book of the Bible from the bookcase. He would open it and then we would read together. He would tell me of its riches and unfold to me its truths. He would make my heart warm as He revealed His love and His grace He had toward me. These were wonderful hours together. In fact, we called the living room the "withdrawing room." It was a period when we had our quiet time together.

But, little by little, under the pressure of many responsibilities, this time began to be shortened.  Why, I'm don't know, but I thought I was just too busy to spend time with Christ. This was not intentional, you understand; it just happened that way. Finally, not only was the time shortened, but I began to miss a day now and then. It was examination time at the university. Then it was some other urgent emergency. I would miss it two days in a row and often more.

I remember one morning when I was in a hurry, rushing downstairs, eager to be on my way.  As I passed the living room, the door was open. Looking in, I saw a fire in the fireplace and Jesus was sitting there. Suddenly in dismay I thought to myself, "He was my guest. I invited Him into my heart! He has come as Lord of my home. And yet here I am neglecting Him."

I turned and went in. With downcast glance, I said, "Blessed Master, forgive me. Have You been here all these mornings?"

"Yes," He said, "I told you I would be here every morning to meet with you." Then I was even more ashamed. He had been faithful in spite of my faithfulness. I asked His forgiveness and He readily forgave me as He does when we are truly repentant.

"The trouble with you is this: you have been thinking of the quiet time, of the Bible study and prayer time, as a factor in your own spiritual progress, but you have forgotten that this hour means something to me also. Remember, I love you. I have redeemed you at great cost. I value your fellowship. Now," He said, "do not neglect this hour if only for my sake. Whatever else may be your desire, remember I want your fellowship!"

You know, the truth that Christ desires my companionship, that He loves me, wants me to be with Him, wants to be with me and waits for me, has done more to transform my quiet time with God than any other single fact. Don't let Christ wait alone in the living room of your heart, but every day find some time when, with your Bible and in prayer, you may be together with Him.

The Workroom
Before long, He asked, "Do you have a workroom in your home?" Down in the basement of the home of my heart I had a workbench and some equipment, but I was not doing much with it. Once in a while I would play around with a few little gadgets, but I wasn't producing anything substantial or worthwhile.

I led Him down there.

He looked over the workbench and what little talents and skills I had. He said, "This is quite well furnished. What are you producing with your life for the Kingdom of God?" He looked at one or two little toys that I had thrown together on the bench and held one up to me. "Are these little toys all that you are doing for others in your Christian life?"

"Well," I said, "Lord, that is the best I can do. I know it isn't much, and I really want to do more, but after all, I have no skill or strength to do more."

"Would you like to do better?" He asked.

"Certainly," I replied.

"All right. Let me have your hands. Now relax in me and let my Spirit work through you. I know that you are unskilled, clumsy and awkward, but the Holy Spirit is the Master-Worker, and if He controls your hands and your heart, He will work through you." And so, stepping around behind me and putting His great, strong hands over mine, controlling the tools with His skilled fingers He began to work through me.

There's much more that I must still learn and I am very far from satisfied with the product that is being turned out, but I do know that whatever has been produced for God has been through His strong hand and through the power of His Spirit in me.

Do not become discouraged because you cannot do much for God. Your ability is not the fundamental condition. It is He who is controlling your fingers and upon whom you are relying. Give your talents and gifts to God and He will do things with them that will surprise you.

The Rec Room
I remember the time He asked me about the playroom. I was hoping He would not ask about that.  There were certain associations and friendships, activities and amusements that I wanted to keep for myself. I did not think Christ would enjoy them or approve of them, so I evaded the question. But there came an evening when I was on my way out with some of my friends, and as I was about to cross the threshold, He stopped me with a glance and asked, "Are you going out?"

I replied, "Yes."

"Good," He said, "I would like to go with you."

"Oh," I answered rather awkwardly. "I don't think, Lord Jesus, that You would really want to go with us. Let's go out tomorrow night. Tomorrow night we will go to prayer meeting, but tonight I have another appointment."

He said. "That's alright. Only I thought that when I came into your home, we were going to do everything together, to be close companions. I just want you to know that I am willing to go with you."

"Well," I said, "we will go someplace together tomorrow night."

That evening I spent some miserable hours. I felt wretched. What kind of a friend was I to Jesus when I was deliberately leaving Him out of my associations, doing things and going places that I knew very well He would not enjoy? When I returned that evening, there was a light in His room, and I went up to talk it over with Him. I said, "Lord, I have learned my lesson. I can't have a good time without You. From now on we will do everything together."

Then we went down into the playroom of the house and He transformed it. He brought into life real joy, real happiness, real satisfaction, new friends, new excitement, new joys. Laughter and music have been ringing through the house ever since.

The Hall Closet
There is just one more matter that I might share with you. One day I found Him waiting for me at the door. An arresting look was in His eye. As I entered, He said to me, "There is a peculiar odor in the house. There is something dead around here. It's upstairs. I think it is in the hall closet." As soon as He said this, I knew what He was talking about. Yes, there was a small closet up there on the landing, just a few feet square, and in that closet, behind lock and key, I had one or two little personal things that I did not want anyone to know about and certainly I did not want Christ to see them. I knew they were dead and rotting things left over from the old life. And yet I loved them, and I wanted them so for myself that I was afraid to admit they were there.

Reluctantly, I went up with Him, and as we mounted the stairs the odor became stronger and stronger. He pointed at the door. "It's in there! Some dead thing!"

I was angry. That's the only way I can put it. I had given Him access to the library, the dining room, the living room, the workroom, the playroom, and now He was asking me about a little two-by-four closet. I said to myself, "This is too much. I am not going to give Him the key."

"Well," He said, reading my thoughts, "if you think I'm going to stay up here on the second floor with this odor, you are mistaken. I will take my bed out on the back porch. I'm certainly not going to put up with that." Then I saw Him start down the stairs.

When you have come to know and love Christ, the worst thing that can happen is to sense His fellowship retreating from you. I had to surrender. "I'll give You the key," I said sadly, "but You'll have to open the closet and clean it out. I haven't the strength to do it."

"I know," He said. "I know you haven't. Just give me the key. Just authorize me to take care of that closet and I will." So with trembling fingers I passed the key to Him. He took it from my hand, walked over to the door, opened it, entered it, took out all the putrefying stuff that was rotting there, and threw it away. The He cleaned the closet and painted it, fixed it up, doing it all in a moment's time. Oh, what victory and release to have that dead thing out of my life!

Transferring the Title
Then a thought came to me. I said to myself, "I have been trying to keep this heart of mine clear for Christ. I start on one room and no sooner have I cleaned that then another room is dirty. I begin on the second room and the first room becomes dusty again. I am so tired and weary trying to maintain a clean heart and an obedient life. I am just not up to it!"

So I ventured a question: "Lord, is there any chance that You would take over the responsibility of the whole house and operate it for me and with me just as You did that closet? Would You take the responsibility to keep my heart what it ought to be and my life where it ought to be?"

I could see His face light up as He replied, "Certainly, that is what I came to do. You cannot be a victorious Christian in your own strength. That is impossible. Let me do it through you and for you. That is the way. But," He added slowly, "I am not owner of this house. I am just a guest. I have no authority to proceed, since the property is not mine."

I saw it in a minute and dropping to my knees, I said, "Lord, You have been a guest and I have been the host. From now on I am going to be the servant. You are going to be the owner and Master and Lord."

Running as fast as I could to the strongbox, I took out the title deed to the house describing its assets and liabilities, location and situation and condition. I eagerly signed it over to belong to Him alone for time and eternity. "Here," I said. "Here it is, all that I am and have forever. Now You run the house. I'll just remain with You as a servant and friend."

He took my life that day and I can give you my word, there is no better way to live the Christian life. He knows how to keep it in shape and deep peace settles down on the soul. May Christ settle down and be at home in your heart as Lord of all!

            Have you invited Jesus into your home—into your life?  Have you given him access to your mind and your desires?  Are you spending time with Jesus daily in prayer?  Are you working for the Lord—producing good fruit for the Kingdom of God in your life?  Is Jesus happy with your recreational life?  Do the ways you have fun honor him?  What secret things have you been hiding from Jesus?  Isn’t it time to come clean and let Jesus clean out your secret closet?  Have you surrendered it all to Jesus?  Why not raise up your white flag and surrender today?

[i] Adapted from “My Heart: Christ’s Home” by Robert Munger -
Robert Boyd Munger (1911-2001) was a Presbyterian minister who wrote this timeless work in

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Best Cup of Coffee I Ever Had...

The Truth As Far As I Can Tell…

Philippians 4:12 - I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
            If you know me very well, you would know I don’t really like the taste of coffee that much.  I usually try to cover it up with way too much sugar and creamer or, even better, I put in about a ¼ cup of flavored coffemate.  True coffee connoisseurs are often appalled by my coffee habits and snark, “Hey, would like some coffee with that sugar?”
Keeping all this in mind, you will be surprised to learn about the best coffee I ever enjoyed.  You might guess it was some expensive gourmet blend from Starbucks or a hand roast blend out of the mountains of El Salvador made with a French press.  You would be wrong.  In fact, the best cup of coffee I ever had was a cheap Kirkland brand “Breakfast Blend” from Costco made on my Keurig at home.  Even more surprising, it was completely black with no sugar or cream added!
What made this cup of coffee so unique, you ask?  It came at the end of a special week-long diet where I hadn’t had anything to drink except water—no milk, no coffee, no coke or tea, nothing but water.  So by the end of the week, my taste buds were thrilled to encounter anything besides H2O.  All the flavors and nuances of the coffee sprang to life in my mouth and danced on my tongue as I marveled at the simple wonder of coffee like never before.  I experience true joy in something I normally take for granted.
We humans are so prone to take things for granted.  It’s part of our fallen nature.  We lose gratitude and when we do, we are actually less fulfilled.  The trick to being satisfied in life is not having more and more.  In a counterintuitive way, more stuff tends to make us less fulfilled.  No.  The secret to being more fulfilled is learning to be satisfied and grateful with what we have already.
Fasting is a spiritual exercise that can strengthen our gratitude and contentment.  Fasting has traditionally meant going without food.  However, fasting could also be going without coffee or drinking only water or giving up something else like TV or Facebook or watching the news for a set time.  Such self-denial can accomplish some very helpful traits.  It could help you stop taking simple blessings for granted and be more grateful.  On the other hand, you might find you do not miss what you gave up at all; in which case, you might be better off without it. 
True joy and contentment in life is not about having more and more, better and better.  Joy and contentment most often come when you simplify and learn to truly appreciate the blessings you have already.  With intentional spiritual practice, you could learn what the Apostle Paul discovered:  “…the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.”  Of course, I’m no expert and I certainly don’t claim to know everything, but that’s the Truth as far as I can tell…

Remember, God loves you and so do I!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Christ Our Hope is Born - Christmas in July

Isaiah 9:6

            Christmas is a time of hope and joy.  It’s a time for people to love and give.  It’s a time when families come together and a also a time when we remember we are all part of one big, human family.  Christmas reminds us of these truths, but these are virtues we need all year long.  We need Christmas in July—especially this year.  We've had a lot of reasons to lose hope.  Our world seems to be more filled with violence, terrorism, hate, fear, anxiety, and anger than ever before.  We need to hear the angels singing:  “Joy to the world!  Peace on earth and goodwill towards men!"  We have reason to hope today, because Christ our hope was born.
            I have a question I want you to ponder in our message today.  Are you hoping in the right things?  For if you are hoping in the right things, your hope will not be disappointed, but if you are hoping in the wrong things then you have cause for concern.
            Listen to the Word of God in Isaiah 9:6, a prophecy about Jesus given over 500 years before his birth.  Isaiah tells us about the hope we can find in Christ.

Isaiah 9:6
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders.
    And he will be called:  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Let’s look at a few key ideas this passage tells us about our hope in Jesus.

The government will rest upon his shoulders…
            I didn’t watch either the republican national convention or the democratic national convention.  Although I was curious, I consciously chose not to watch.  I findthat right now the news cycle only feeds my worldly anxiety, anger, and fear of our world’s current situation.  I can find out all I really need to know to be informed by listening to the news highlights each day.  This keeps me informed without overwhelming me with a deluge of negativity.
            Both the RNC and the DNC are just prime time infomercials for their candidates.  Both parties spend millions in a very strategic effort to sell their candidate to the American people.  However, when you look past all the glitz and glamour, it’s basically a week long pep rally for people to cheer for their political team.  Don't be fooled; not a lot of honest, unbiased information gets shared at a political convention.  I didn’t watch and I don’t feel like I missed anything important.  As I said, I picked up what I need to know from the news highlights.
            Isaiah prophesied, “The government will rest upon his shoulders…”  He’s talking about Jesus.  Isaiah didn’t mean that a “worldly government” would rest upon Jesus' shoulders.  In other words, it is not God’s ultimate plan that some worldly government will fulfill God’s plans—whether it be a king in Jerusalem or even American democracy.  All human governments are flawed.  America—though I believe it is the best “worldly” system implemented so far—is still seriously flawed because it is the product of flawed, fallen people.  God has something infinitely better in mind.
            Isaiah reveals God’s ultimate plan is for Jesus to rule the world.  Our faith teaches us that one day Jesus will return and personally govern the whole world.  I long for that day.  And let me tell you something, America will no longer exist in the end.  So don’t get your hopes too caught up in our government.  Be a good citizen.  Be informed.  Do your duty.  But don’t place your hopes in a flawed worldly government that can’t deliver and will soon pass away.  Jesus is the great GOVERNOR, the Lord we need and long for in this mixed up and crazy world.  Isaiah tells us who Jesus is.

He is the Wonderful Counselor.
            Jesus wisdom and understanding are awe inspiring.  No longer will we have to worry if our president is someone who has the knowledge to run the country—handling the wide range of very different but equally important issues like foreign policy, economics, law and order, immigration, the military, and politics.  We will not have to worry if our leader will be careless or dishonest or embarrassing.  Jesus will rule with wisdom, inspiring awe and confidence and wonder in everyone.

Jesus is also Mighty God.
            Jesus is all powerful.  Not only does Jesus know what to do; he has the power to do it.  He will subdue all his enemies, provide safety for all his people, and build his eternal Kingdom.  We never need to doubt Jesus' ability to deliver, because Jesus is mighty God.

Jesus is also Everlasting Father.
            I don’t know about you, but I have never thought of our presidents as “fathers.”  I have viewed them as important people, as world leaders, as politicians, but never as a father.  We have no real access to our presidents (unless you have thousands of dollars to buy a ticket to some fundraising banquet).  They are people we see on TV, or perhaps passing through town in a guarded motorcade, behind tinted glass in an armored limousine.  They are unapproachable.
            Not so with Jesus.  Isaiah describes him as a father.  Not everyone has had an intimate father, but ideally a father is someone you can hug and have tickle fights with or when you get older, you call them up and share your joys, concerns, or just talk.  A good father is one who will personally come and help you fix your broken car or take you to a daddy/daughter dance.  A good father is loving and protecting and he is there when you need him or want him.
            Fatherhood is the image of Jesus and how he will govern us.  However, unlike earthly fatherswho are good one day and irritable the next, who get tired and lose patience, who grow feeble with age and eventually pass awayJesus is an everlasting father.  He will never grow old or feeble.  He will never die.  He will never grow weary of us or lose patience.  He will always be there, always be patient, always be good, always be reliable, always be loving, always, always, always.

And Jesus is the Prince of Peace
            When Jesus rules, there will be peace and not war.  No more mass shootings.  No more violence.  No more racial strife.  No more unrestrained anger.  No more terrorist or fear of terrorism.  The peace Jesus brings is more than just worldly peace.  For he said, “The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.”  (John 14:27)  The world offers a kind of peace, but not like Jesus.
            Worldly peace often just means keeping the status quo.  It means nothing changes.  Things stay the same and so are reliable and people can continue on with their own lives.  That’s OK if your life is decent, but what if you are suffering or if you are oppressed or if your life could be better?  Wars and fighting and strife usually happen because someone somewhere feels it is the only way to better their situation.  Often, our “worldly” peace actually bars other people from the justice they deserve.
            Jesus offers more than just worldly peace.  Jesus will bring inner peace, true serenity, happiness, and joy like we rarely ever experience on earth.  Jesus brings peace to everyone—no more “haves” and “have nots”.  Everyone will experience peace.  No longer will it be the “pursuit of happiness”.  Most of us don’t even know what will make us truly happy and yet we chase after happinessworrying and toilingand most of us never really find it.  Jesus knows what will make you truly happy.  And when Jesus is Lord, we will be done with this relentless, exhausting, and futile chasing for happiness.  We will find it all when Jesus is Lord.

            It’s Christmas in July.  Remember that Christ our hope was born.  “And the government will rest on his shoulders.  And he will be called:  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
            We have all this to look forward to when Jesus ultimately comes to set up his kingdom.  But what about now?  I have good news for you.  You don’t have to wait until Jesus returns to experience his Kingdom.  You don’t even have to wait until you die and go to Heaven.  You can experience Jesus’ Kingdom now!  The glorious Good News of the Gospel is that Jesus is Lord now.
            It is not that Jesus will be Lord one day.  He is Lord now.  Just because the world around us and its people are still in rebellion, that does not mean Jesus is not rightful Lord.  He is Lord.  He is patiently calling us all back to him.  Patiently waiting for us to recognize His Lordship.  How long must he wait for you?
            When we become a Christian, we officially recognize Jesus is Lord.  The more we accept Him as Lord—in every area of our life—the more we experience the realities of His Kingdom now.  We experience inner peace.  We find Joy.  We have hope.  We worry less about this world and all its troubles because our hopes are in the eternal Kingdom of God, which will never disappoint, and never pass away!  Take heart oh Christians!  Jesus is Lord, now and forever!  Place your hope him and do not hope in the world!
            And what about you?  You who have never turned your life over to Jesus?  You who are still hoping in vain in this world?  You have trusted in the government and look where it’s got you.  You have trusted in the people of this world, but they let you down.  You have trusted in yourself, but you see how well that’s worked out.   How long will you go on hoping in things that cannot satisfy?  Repent!  Turn your life over to Jesus today!  Trust in Him, for He is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

Monday, July 25, 2016

What is Revival?

James 4:8-10

            Friends, America desperately needs to turn away from sin and return to God.  Yet, it’s easy for us to point the finger at others so we don’t have to look in the mirror at ourselves.  However, each of us, personally, needs to turn away from the world and turn to God.  If we draw close to God, He will draw close to us.
            My great hope is that everyone would turn away from the world and turn to God and thus experience a great personal revival.  I have been praying for this kind of revival for a long time.  Many in our church and in our community and in our nation have been praying for revival.  We long for the return of those days when revival swept across our land in days of old:  when thousands upon thousands turned to the Lord and were save, when churches were filled on Sundays, when Americans lived godly lives of integrity, when our leaders led our nation according to the will of God.
            The Word of God in James 4:8-10 speaks plainly on the subject.  It speaks to me.  I pray You will hear God’s Word speak to you today.  May it cut straight to your heart, convict you, and challenge you to change.

James 4:8-10
Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.

Loyalty Divided
            If ever there were a phrase that describes Americans today, verse 8 describes us when it says, “…for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”  This is what distinguishes us from the Christians of the New Testament.  It is what separates us from early Americans who built this nation, inspired by their commitment to Christian values.
            Some have said, “Well, it was easier for them to be close to God.  They actually saw Jesus and they witnessed miracles.”  My friends, they were no more equipped to draw close to God than we are.  Their closeness to God was a conscious choice.  They chose to forsake all else and draw near to God and He drew near to them.  They saw miracles because they were close to God.  Their success at changing the world was directly related to their commitment to God.  We remember and venerate these “saints” of old because they forsook the world and chose God.
            But what of Americans in the 21st century?  Can we say we are wholly and completely committed to God?  Are you?  It should be no wonder to us that America is in the state it is in for, “…your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”  Worshiping God on Sunday morning has become just one option among a myriad of things we can do.  We could choose instead (and quite often we do) to: sleep in, go to a ball game, hang out with friends, go fishing, work in the yard, see a movie, watch TV, clean the house, play video games, have friends over for lunch, go shopping, or any number of other things.  (There’s nothing inherently wrong with these activities; but our loyalty is divided because we treat worship as if it is optional and often place other things ahead of God.)  We have come to believe and live as if our comfort and happiness are what’s most important.  It’s all about us (so we think).  Did it ever occur to you that life is not about you?  It’s not even about your family or your kids.  Life is our opportunity to glorify God.  It’s what we were created for:
God put air in your lungs so you could sing His praises.
God placed beauty all around us so we could see THE ARTIST.
But we have made it all about us and what we want.  How selfish!  How foolish!  The servant has said to the King, “No!  I don’t want to serve you! You serve me!"
            We have fallen for the world’s lie that our security is found in:  more money, a better job, and social acceptance.  We seek shelter in our comfortable lives, always doing what we want, what we are used to, and turn away from the mission of God because it seems too risky.  We don’t want to be different.  Everyone else is doing the same as us and we feel justified in being like everybody else.  We are like sheep all heading off to slaughter.  We feel safe in our flock walking along together, until it is too late and we feel the knife at our throat.  O wake up!  Wake up!  Before it’s too late!

A Personal Revival
            What then should we do?  James tells us.  O hear the Word of God!  “Let there be tears for what you have done…” Are you not sorry that you have traded loyalty to the God who made the heavens and the earth, who also made you, who gave you the ability to know love and joy and peace and happiness, and who (even when you rejected Him) left the glory of heaven and came to earth to save you by dying on the cross—paying the price for your sins—that you might take off your filthy ways like a dirty garment and put on a brand new, pure and brilliant, white robe?
            You have traded your loyalty to Him for the worldfor empty pleasures that do not truly satisfy, that are worthless, that are selfish, empty, shallow, shameful, and self-indulgent, that bring about evil and suffering and destruction for you and the whole world.  You have traded your loyalty to God for worldly ways that lead to the exploitation of the poor and needy, that foster injustice and oppression, that hammered the nails through the hands and feet of Christ.  Are you not full of sorrow and grief that you have betrayed God for the sake of the world?  Oh recognize how far you have fallen from the high calling of God!  How you have broken His heart!  How your actions are leading to the enslavement of America and the whole world!  Does it not break your heart?  Are you not ashamed?  Does it not fill your eyes with tears?
            Then, “Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts…”  You cannot wash away these sins with water.  There is but one ingredient that can wash away the stain of your sins.  It is the blood Christ, which he shed on the cross at Calvary.
            “Humble yourself before the Lord…”  Bow your head in humble prayer.  Earnestly ask the Lord to forgive you and wash you clean.  And humbly commit yourself to Jesus—completely and wholeheartedly.  Choose this day—as did the Christian saints before you—to no longer divide your loyalty between God and the world.  Instead, give your allegiance completely and fully to God.  Cast away anything else that threatens to draw you away from Him.  And follow the Lord from now on.
            Some say revival is a week-long series of church services designed to get people saved.  Some say revival is a movement in history like the Great Awakening in America in the 19th century when people were swept up in religious fervor.  But I say the essence of revival is James 4:8-10.  Revival comes in our individual hearts when we humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and choose God—forsaking all else.  Revival comes when we yearn to follow God more than we yearn for anything else.  Truly, revival is when we want God only (and nothing else).
            Revival can spread across the land like a wildfire when just one person lives an authentic Christian life and leads another to do the same.  Soon whole churches, communities, even the whole world is changed forever because individuals had the courage to live wholeheartedly for God despite what anyone else did.
            So hear the Lord crying out to you:  “Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.  Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.”

            If your heart is broken because you have loved or been loyal to the "world" instead of God, I invite you to confess your sins, repent, and make a change.  I offer the following confession adapted from page 890 of United Methodist Hymnal. May these words be your sincere prayer to God.  He will hear you and forgive.

Prayer of Confession
Most merciful God, I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what I have done, and by what I have left undone. I have not loved You with my whole heart; I have not loved my neighbors as myself. I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and forgive me; that I may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your name. Amen.

My Prayer for You
Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive all your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Do Not Worry

            Today, I would like to write about one of my all-time favorite passages.  It’s very poignant today as we reflect on so many troubling events in our world. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus reminds us not to worry.

Matthew 6:25-34
25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

What is Worry?
            Worry is:  “To allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles”  Some people are more prone to worrying than others, but we all worry.  It is part of our fallen, human nature; we forget to trust God or we never really knew we could trust God.  
            Sometimes, we even worry about problems that are only imaginary.  For instance, a teenager might worry themselves sick wondering whether there will be any friends in their classes when school starts back.  This may be a potential problem, but it’s not a real problem right now.  And there may be plenty of friends in their classes, we just don’t know yet.  But people will worry even about things that are only potential problems.
             Worry is a waste of time and energy.  It’s not healthy.  It’s like spinning your tires—it doesn’t get you anywhere and it ruins your tires.  If you can do something productive about your problem, do it.  But then, stop worrying about the problem over and over.
            What would it feel like not to worry?  How much time do we waste worrying?  How much mental, emotional, and spiritual energy do we waste in the unhealthy habit of worrying?  What would it be like to be free from the anxiety of worry?  To know that God has got your back.  Oh, what a wonderful thing!  Our lives would be less stressful and so much happier, peaceful, and serene if we gave up worry.

The  Basics
            The Scripture lists two things we should not worry about:  food and clothing.  But it’s really about more than just food and clothing.  Food and clothing represent the basic necessities of life.  To these, you could add other basic necessities like water, air, shelter, companionship, etc.  God will make sure we have the basics we need to live.
            There is something else implied in Jesus statement.  You may have a deeper spiritual problem if you are worrying about more than the basics.  Perhaps you have become self-absorbed and fallen too deeply in love with the things of this world.
            What do we really need to be satisfied?  Perhaps it would be enlightening to compare our problems in America (a first-world country) to those who live in third world countries.  Consider the following meme's about our first world problems:

            Meanwhile, most people around the world earn less than $2/day and struggle to find enough food and clean water.  Now, I know that all our problems are not so trivial.  We have real problems too.  However, we already have so much.  Sometimes we lose perspective about real problems and what are just our “worldly” concerns.  Sadly, the only time we may regain a proper perspective is when a real tragedy strikes.
            If we want to be truly happy, we should learn to be happy with the basics.  Paul tells us in Philippians 4:12, “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.”  We would all do well to learn Paul's secret to a contented life.  I suggest you practice needing less.  Here are some ways you can improve:
            Simplify your life.  Get rid of things you don’t need.  Resist the urge to buy more and more new things.  Learn to live with what you have.  Borrow or rent instead of buying if it’s practical.
            Go without.  Fasting is the spiritual practice of going without.  Typcally, fasting involves giving up food, but it can be other things as well like watching TV or using Facebook.  Fasting can help us discover what we can do without, remind us what we really need, and it can also help us to be more grateful for what we already have.
            Practice being thankful.  Genuine gratitude for what we already have helps us to be more satisfied and need less.  We stop looking for the next great thing that might make us satisfied and start to realize how blessed and satisfied we already are.  Being thankful actually helps you to be a happier person.  Take the "Gratitude Quiz" and see if you are a grateful person –
            The point is, God is going to provide for your basic needs.  You don’t need to worry about the basics.  And don’t allow yourself to become consumed by yearning for more and more beyond the basics.  When you are satisfied with the basics in life, you will worry less and have less stress.  You will have a happier, more peaceful life and you will be more focused what’s truly important.

How to Overcome Worry 
            Jesus said “do not worry.”  But how can we actually overcome worry?  It is hard sometimes because worry is not just mental; it can physically take over your body.  For some, worry can become a paralyzing medical disorder that requires medication to overcome.  If that is the case, I encourage you to get medical help.  Regardless of your situation, the following steps can help you overcome worry.
            Pray about it.  Philippians 4:6, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”  Putting it in God's hands through prayer is the first step and can make all the difference.  Remember, God can handle any problem you have.
            Talk about it.  Another thing you can do is talk about your worries with a trusted friend or two.  Talking about your concern can relieve stress and bring fresh insight.  However, don’t keep talking about your worries over and over again all day long to everyone you meet.  That’s just an outward form of worry and will only aggravate and prolong your anxiety.
            Make a plan.  You can deal with worry by making a plan of action.  Worry is often mistaken for planning because both require you to think ahead and consider a plan of action.  The difference is, planning is productive.  Planning sets up goals and identifies practical steps that can change a situation.  Worry is unproductive because it just keeps going around and around about potential scenarios and possibilities over and over again.  Planning turns into worry when you go too far and your planning stops being practical and productive.
            Do what you can.  Instead of worrying, make a plan and then do what you can do.  Instead of thinking, do.  If you can’t do something, stop worrying about it.  You’ve done all you can.
            Let it go.  Once you’ve done all you can do (at least for right now, in this moment) then, let it go.  Don’t go on worrying about it.  You’ve prayed and put it in God’s hands.  You’ve done what you can do.  Now, let it go.

How to Let Go
            Sometimes, you get stuck and just can’t stop worrying.  When that happens, here’s what works for me.  First, I meditate.  I make a concerted effort to quiet my mind while asking God to help me.  I concentrate on my breathing.  People often comment that I am so relaxed and calm when I preach.  I can tell you, it takes effort.  I am not a natural public speaker.  It has always made me nervous--even after 17 years.  I've learned to relax through lots of practice.  One of the biggest things that helps me relax is concentrating on my breathing--breathing slow and deep.
            Then, if your mind continues to wander back to your worries, try to think of something else. It helps me when I listen to music.  Another thing that helps me is to watch a commedian or something funny on TV.  It's hard for me to worry when I am laughing.  I will also sometimes blow off steam by joking around with others or just being silly.  Another thing that helps is to go out and have some fun.  These are all things that have helped me break the cycle of worry.  Maybe they will help you too.

            There is one thing you should worry about:  Is your heart right with God?  Have you repented of your sins?  Have you asked the Lord’s forgiveness?  Have you decided to follow Jesus?  To listen to his instructions and obey?  Has the Spirit of God assured you of your salvation—that you are a forgiven, child of God?
            If your heart is right with God, you have nothing to worry about.  Even if terrorists attack. Even if the wrong person gets elected.  Even if the country falls apart.  Even if the Methodist church splits apart.  Even if you lose your job.  Even if your children go astray.  Even if things seem completely out of control, remember, God is in control!
            If your heart is not right with God, I beg you to get it right with Him today.  Won't you repent of your sins, turn to Jesus, let him take control of your life, and commit to follow him the rest of your days?  If so, perhaps you would like to use the following prayer to guide your words to Jesus.

Lord, come in and take control of my life.
Fill me up with Your wonderful grace.
Cleanse my heart and my wretched soul.
Lord, take control of my life.
I know Jesus is the blessed son of God
and that He died on the cross for my sin
and that He rose from the grave
and is living again.
Lord, I confess my sin.
Lord please come in.
Forgive my sin and make me anew.
Teach me to walk in Your ways.
Shine in my life for the world to see.
Lord, take control of my life.