This is a series I'm preaching to help my church get ready for Vacation Bible School June 26-29. The lessons are good for all of us--not just kids. Today we will look at the lesson for Day 2 – God Gives the Commandments. Our theme is: MY LOVING GOD GIVES DIRECTION.
Exodus 19:18-19
18 All of Mount Sinai was
covered with smoke because the Lord had descended on it
in the form of fire. The smoke billowed into the sky like smoke from a brick
kiln, and the whole mountain shook violently. 19 As the blast of the ram’s
horn grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God thundered his reply. 20 The Lord came
down on the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So
Moses climbed the mountain.
Exodus 20:1-21
1 Then God gave the people all these instructions:
3 “You must not have any other god but me.
Our God is an Awesome God
This is an awesome and frightening scene. It's a big contrast from the image of God we see portrayed in Jesus in the New Testament. Jesus is kind and patient and merciful and full of compassion and mercy. The image of God at Mount Sanai reminds us to never forget that our God is an awesome God and He is serious about sin. He means business when He commands us to obey His commands.
In verse 20, Moses tells why God appeared in this way on Mount Sanai. He said, “Don’t
be afraid, for God has come in this way to test you, and so that your fear of
him will keep you from sinning!”
There were 2 teachers in my school when I was in the 5th grade. Everyone said you wanted to have Mrs. Sanders because she was nice and Mrs. Garland was really mean. I had Mrs. Sanders for 5 of my periods, but Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Garland switched for one period. I went to Mrs. Garlands class for math and her class came to Mrs. Sanders for English. I thought, "Oh no! Mrs. Garland is going to be so mean!" Well, for the first week of school, Mrs. Garland was very stern. She made it clear that she would not put up with any foolishness in her class and we all knew we better not get out of line. On the other hand, Mrs. Sanders was so friendly and pleasant that everyone took advantage of her. She was nice that no one paid any attention to her. Everyone talked and cut up and caused all kinds of disruptions in her class. I felt sorry for Mrs. Sanders and her class was not that good. Mrs. Garland, who everyone said was so mean, was actually quite nice and everyone learned and enjoyed her class. Everything was orderly and pleasant and no one acted up. Mrs. Garland was never mean, but if anyone tested her, the consequences were swift and final. So no one broke her rules.
I guess sometimes you've got to put forth a mean face to scare people straight and make sure they know you mean business and the rules are the rules and you better follow them. That's what God is showing us in this passage from Exodus. God is love, but He is also holy and His power awesome and frightening. He is serious when He gives these commandments. You better follow them.
God’s Rules are for Our Good
Sometimes, people don’t like rules. Why should someone be able to tell me what I can/can’t do? Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do with my body. It’s my body! Don’t tell me how to spend my money. It’s my money! Don’t tell me how to live my life. It’s my life! (Actually, according to the Bible, it’s not your body. It’s not your money. It’s not your life. But that's another sermon for another day.)
It's a good thing we don’t hear the same kinds of arguments made by many people above about traffic lights. No one is arguing they should be exempt from stopping at red lights. Without those lights, millions of people would die! Rules are for our own good.
He understands our weakness and our confusions. He knows sin has clouded our judgment. He wants us to be safe. He wants us to holy so we can have a good relationship with Him. So He gives us rules. The 10 Commandments are the most basic rules of God.
Do you know them? If you’re a Christian
you should know the Lord’s rules. I challenge you to memorize them. Here's a paraphrase of the 10 commandments that I've used to help many people memorize them.
The Ten Commandments
1. Do not worship any god except the Lord.
2. Do not make idols of any kind.
3. Do not misuse God’s name.
4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
Commandments 1 - 4 are about our relationship with God. These come first in the list because your relationship with God must be right first or your relationship with people will remain messed up. A lot of people who don't believe in God still try to encourage good behavior with people. It always falls short because the question behind everything is "Why should I behave well with people if there's no God?" You see, if there's no Higher Power, then we're just animals and it's survival of the fittest. Atheist have yet to come up with reasonable foundational values for why people should behave well in the absence of God. If there's no God, who makes the rules? People. And the most influenceial, strongest, powerful people are the ones who make the rules, which are relative and can be changed to suit one group over another. But since Christians believe there is a God, there are reasons we follow the rules--chief among them is because God is sovereign and has the authority to require certain behavior from His people.
And so when we follow commands 1 through 4, we are now ready for rules 5 through 10 that deal with human relationships.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not testify falsely.
10. Do not covet.
God Law Shows We’re Broken | God’s Love Saves Us
Now one thing these commandments show us is where we fall short. Every time we sin, we tear our heart apart. Have you ever broken any of these commandments? Of course you have. We all have.
At some point or another, we’ve all told a lie. Maybe we've said, “No Honey! Those jeans don’t make your butt look big,” when you know darn well they do make her butt look fat.
If you’ve only ever stolen a paper clip, then you’ve broken the 8th
commandment--do not steal. And who among us has never, ever wanted something our neighbor had: “Man, I sure wish I had ‘a car like theirs’ or ‘a house like that’ or a ‘a new
cell phone’ or something.
You may never have murdered someone but Jesus said
in Matthew 5:21, “If you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call
someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if
you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.”
You may never have committed
adultery but Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, “Anyone who even looks at a woman with
lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
So you see, we’ve all fallen short of God’s glorious
standards and broken His Commandments. And every time we sin, our hearts are torn apart. But the amazing thing is, even though we’ve sinned, God doesn’t stop loving us! In Jesus Christ, we see that God’s love and grace are greater than all our sins!
God loves us so much, He sent Jesus, His son. Jesus never sinned. He never broke the Commandments—not even in
His heart. Jesus paid for our sin on the
cross and rose again. Because of Jesus,
we can be forgiven!
If you want to be forgiven and make a fresh start, it’s time to repent of your sin and turn to Jesus. Jesus welcomes anyone who sincerely decides to turn away from sin and follow Him as Lord. And for all that decide to follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit helps them live in love.
And when we follow Jesus, He gives us a brand new heart. Do you want a new heart, one that can love God and love your neighbor, a heart that knows you are loved and can feel God’s love and people’s love for you? Why don’t you decide to follow Jesus today?
Loving God, thank You fo the direction You
give us in Your Ten Commandments. We are sorry fo the times we sin against You
and break Your rules. Thank you for forgiving us! We would be completely lost without Jesus,
who leads us to You. Please help us to
remember the Commandments, and give us power through the Holy Spirit to
obey. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.